WEST SEATTLE SUNSET: Colorful curtain falls on autumn’s first weekend

(Photo by Robert Spears)

What a way to wrap up the first weekend of fall! Thanks to everybody who sent photos.

(Photo by Kanit Cottrell)

This view reveals the moon:

And a panorama:

(Photo by James Bratsanos)

One more closeup:

(Photo by Tom Stoner)

The National Weather Service says some clear weather is on the way – if the Olympics indeed are in full view, you’ll see fresh snow!

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE SUNSET: Colorful curtain falls on autumn's first weekend"

  • Chris K September 30, 2019 (8:37 am)

    Awesome photos!  We are so spoiled to be surrounded by such beauty.

  • Kersti muul September 30, 2019 (9:18 am)

    Looking at the fresh snow right now it’s quite stunning…Even the brothers have a little sprinkling

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