From KC near the north end of Lincoln Park, this incident from right after her arrival home very early this morning:
I exited an Uber 20 or so feet from my door and as I was walking up I noticed a dark vehicle (resembled a 4-door Camry but I am not sure) driving down Lincoln Park Way toward Lowman Beach Park stop and turn slowly around in a U-turn fashion. I at first thought they must be a neighbor returning to my building as it appeared they were waiting for me to walk out of their way so they could pull into a spot, but they finished the turn and drove up the hill, I believe. I had stopped paying full attention by that time, but I did get a strange feeling. Whoever was driving or riding in the vehicle would’ve been able to get a good look at me.
I entered my house and was on my phone for a few minutes. The blinds were drawn but all lights were on in my unit and this would be very evident from the outside. This is one reason why I think this was not necessarily a burglary attempt but something creepier. Basically why would a random burglar try to get into one of the only residences with lights on? Less than 5 minutes after returning I heard crunching leaves outside my window. I walked closer and crouched behind my TV where I wouldn’t be visible and listened. I thought it was possibly a raccoon at first until I heard a man’s very heavy breathing. The footsteps stopped by my open window and the breathing continued. There is a lattice fence and foliage that blocked this from view if anyone were to look. I said very firmly “get the f$&k away” and immediately he retreated, in a very calm and quiet manner. His footsteps didn’t sound startled, he walked away quietly. I was on the line with 911 by this time stating my address and the circumstances (I dialed immediately after demanding he leave) I then heard a car door open and close very quietly close to my unit. My intuition unfortunately tells me the car I saw and this man were likely not coincidental. I should mention, however, I didn’t see anyone, I just heard them.
I’m still a bit shaken up, and just wanted to alert others to be extra vigilant with windows, locking doors, just being extra aware as they are coming back to and leaving home. Hopefully this is completely random, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to mention, especially if something similar has happened recently and just wasn’t reported.
The incident number is 19-326111.