UPDATE: Car-on-side crash in Highland Park

(WSB photo)

12:15 PM: The emergency response for what’s reported as a flipped-car crash is blocking SW Holden near 13th SW in Highland Park. Avoid the area. We’re on the way to find out more.

12:25 PM: Photo added. Two vehicles involved; no one hurt. Tow truck’s on scene, so street will likely reopen soon.

12:40 PM: Officers at the scene just told dispatchers that Holden has reopened both ways.

10 Replies to "UPDATE: Car-on-side crash in Highland Park"

  • WestSeattleFlippedCarBoard September 23, 2019 (12:54 pm)

    And we’re resetting that Twitter board back to 0 days. We made it to 18 this time. =( https://twitter.com/FlippedWest/status/1176222653725544448 Glad everyone is ok.

    • ACG September 23, 2019 (1:50 pm)


    • Swede. September 23, 2019 (2:57 pm)

      That’s hilarious! And appropriate. What’s the current record? Both for shortest/most flips and longest time in between. 

      • WestSeattleFlippedCarBoard September 23, 2019 (3:54 pm)

        Since the Twitter board was founded 18 days is the highest. In 2019 there have been 10 incidents so far (the board also noted the rolled semi-truck but declined to count that). By the board’s count there were 8 incidents in 2018. The most incidents were in June, 2019 with three that month. The longest period of 2019 is 87 days (January 2nd to March 31st) followed by 61 days (April 2nd to June 3rd) and 35 days (June 30th to August 5th). The pace has certainly increased a bit recently with gaps of 16, 14, and now 18 days.You can view the rough history of flipped cars on the blog here if you’d like to look for a larger period than 87 days: https://westseattleblog.com/?s=flippedDisclaimer: The Flipped Car Board is not affiliated with the West Seattle Blog (but greatly appreciates the outstanding coverage that makes this account possible).

        • WSB September 23, 2019 (4:04 pm)

          Please note that the word “flipped” does not appear in all such coverage. I recently tried to standardize our terminology somewhat but prior to that, might have been “overturned,” for example. I wish I had time to create a distinct coverage category but … too much to do, way too little time. – TR

  • MJ September 23, 2019 (1:11 pm)

    Good no one was hurt.  The driver did not totally flip over, thus will not be a member of the WS I flipped my car over club.

    • Bob September 23, 2019 (2:50 pm)

      It’s better to try and fail then to fail to try. 

  • The King September 23, 2019 (4:47 pm)

    I am waiting for a city council person to show up at one of these, declare car flipping a crisis and raise our taxes to fix it.

  • Scott September 23, 2019 (4:59 pm)

    You people need to get back on your turnip trucks.  This is not funny.  Grow up.

  • Justice September 25, 2019 (1:47 am)

    I am with Scott on this being in a accident is bad enough but one that involves their car flipping over no matter whose at fault just increases the severity of a already horrible situation.Now it’s only karma to have such a unfortunate dilemma happen to one of you jokesters. I bet then it wouldn’t be such a laughing matter. Very rarely does a driver set out with the intentions of creating harm to themself, vehicle, or anyone else for that matter. Unless of course they’re are completely off their rocker but even then the human mind has a natural reaction to avoid even at the last moment.So to sit up and make light or fun out of someone’s unfortunate luck just explains that maybe it’s not just all the homeless people drug addicts and low life criminals Weighting down on what once was a tight knit community but more or less its the negative knit pickers who see themselves as being better than others .We are all human some just don’t have it as easy as others and others may choose to take the hard way out but collectively it’s people like these guys that makes it so much more difficult for those struggling to give just a little more effort towards rejoining civilization when the fear of constant criticism is so publicly accepted.

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