West Seattle weekend scene: Blue Angels, with bird

Monica Zaborac caught that view from West Seattle today, the Blue Angels plus a bird. We believe it’s a Caspian Tern – those seabirds whose eerily prehistoric cry is often heard as they fly over the peninsula, to and from the Duwamish.

P.S. Also by Monica, a birdless view:

5 Replies to "West Seattle weekend scene: Blue Angels, with bird"

  • Willow August 4, 2019 (9:47 pm)

    What a cool shot with the bird!! Also, thank you for answering that bird-call mystery for me! 

  • zephyr August 4, 2019 (11:03 pm)

    WSB wrote:  We believe it’s a Caspian Tern – those seabirds whose eerily prehistoric cry is often heard as they fly over the peninsula, to and from the Duwamish. Thank
    you for pointing this out.  I have been seeing this sea bird fly over
    the top of Gatewood Hill–usually going east to west.  Sometimes I hear
    the call/cry first and then this high-flying bird that doesn’t quite
    look like a gull.  It’s been puzzling.   I just tried your link and it
    has audio!  Yes, that’s the sound–kind of scrappy.  .

    • WSB August 4, 2019 (11:54 pm)

      The terns seem more ubiquitous this year, especially in their flyovers. I’ve heard the call everywhere – over The Junction, over our HQ in Upper Fauntleroy, over Admiral …

  • BlairJ August 5, 2019 (11:18 am)

    Wow.  There is no way you could plan to take a photograph like that first one!

  • Bradley August 5, 2019 (1:25 pm)

    That’s a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird getting out of the way of the top precision flying team.

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