6:52 PM: “We’ve got some great dancing going on up here!” enthused one of The Highsteppers‘ singers between songs, referring to the youngest audience members:
Most of what they have performed so far is from those kids’ grandparents’ day – classic R&B, Motown, soul hits – but great music cuts across generations, and that’s what they’re doing tonight in the second-to-last Summer Concerts at Hiawatha show:
The Highsteppers @ Hiawatha until 8! pic.twitter.com/BHUXGSXMt9
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) August 16, 2019
This is on at the east lawn of Hiawatha Community Center until 8, presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association, with community co-sponsors including WSB. Free. More later!
10:12 PM: Special guest audience member – The West Seattle Turkey!
Well … it was nearby. Thanks to everybody who texted and rushed over to the sponsor zone on the east edge of the lawn to tell us in person about the sighting. The Turkey wisely moved on before attracting too much of a crowd. And thanks to the driver who stopped as it, yes, high-stepped across the street.
Back to the concert. Vocalists Samantha Willis and Stacey Meyer shone on a range of songs from “Rescue Me” to “Straight Up,” and the rest of the band rocked too. Here’s part of “Proud Mary”:
Another good crowd, all ages, many with picnic dinners:
One more video clip, just in as we finish this update – courtesy of Mark Jaroslaw:
Summer Concert at Hiawatha / The Highsteppers from JaroslawMedia on Vimeo.
Next week, last concert of the season – the traditional series-closer, kindie-rock superstar Caspar Babypants, 6:30 pm Thursday, August 22nd – see you there!