HAPPENING NOW: West Seattle Summer Fest 2019, Friday evening


You can kick back at West Seattle Summer Fest. That’s John Smersh, co-proprietor of Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor), demo’ing an air chair they’re featuring. Click! has a “garage-sale”-style sidewalk sale too, plus they’re selling cool local baby onesies (whose creator isn’t vending separately this year). So don’t miss your year-round merchants along the sidewalk. We’d have to say “discover and explore” is a big theme this year. Look around every corner – you might find something special, like this:

That’s the community mural that West Seattle Art Nest is leading in Junction Plaza Park– – by the wind sculpture, near the community stage – until 7. They explain that it – and the two they’ll be leading the next two days – are inspired by features in West Seattle parks. That’s the Schmitz Park crocodile; the next two will be the Whale Tail Park whale and the Lincoln Park griffin. Meanwhile, back on the main stage:

All three stages’ programming schedules are here. More coverage to come!

6:07 PM: Festival sights. From Tatooine to West Seattle:

And we’ve gotten enough questions about this poster, we have to say, according to festival organizers – IT’S NOT REAL:

We’ve heard from more than a few Gary Busey fans at the Info Booth who are disappointed to hear that. So who IS here? Still to come tonight on the main stage (California north of Oregon):

6:30 pm – West Seattle Soul
7:30 pm – The Grizzled Mighty
8:30 pm – Common Market
9:30 pm – DJ Kurt Bloch
10 pm – Polyrhythmics

The last community stage act of the day, Tekla Waterfield, is on now; on the Wooden Instrument Stage (west side of California just north of Edmunds), it’s Annie O’Neill now, Cami & Co. at 7.

6:33 PM: First lost/found child of the day, quickly reunited. That’s part of what happens at the Info Booth – if there’s a problem, we summon help. The Info Booth winds down around 7 pm – if you need help after that, look for a festival staffer. … Even more music happening now – Kyle Craft in-store at Easy Street Records (as featured in our daily preview today).

7:06 PM: Though shopping/vending time is winding down, music keeps heating up:

Dinnertime for many festivalgoers:

Common question at the Info Booth is whether the east side of SW Alaska is “all the food.” Remember that many of the year-round restaurants offer something special for Summer Fest too – outdoor cafes, and/or street food, like Husky Deli’s stand:

We’re heading out but will be back later tonight for more music!

5 Replies to "HAPPENING NOW: West Seattle Summer Fest 2019, Friday evening"

  • St July 12, 2019 (8:25 pm)

    Why would someone put up a notice like that for Busey?  Not funny. They should be taken down.

    • G-Man July 12, 2019 (9:48 pm)

      Bummer, My friends from Portland were going to come up to see him 

    • Tony July 13, 2019 (6:55 am)

      I find it to be pretty funny that you think it should be taken down lol.

  • Fun July 13, 2019 (6:18 am)

    The best part of Summerfest is running into so many friends and neighbors. Thanks organizers for such a great event.  

  • valvashon July 14, 2019 (8:20 pm)

    That Gary Busey poster is going to make a “Neato Keen” addition to my downstairs office!  I don’t know why you printed these up but thanks to whoever you are!

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