DEVELOPMENT: New proposal for forfeited-after-raid South Delridge site

(WSB photo, July 2015)

Last November, we reported that 9200 16th SW was listed for sale. It’s the site raided in 2015 because of an illegal marijuana-selling operation; the sale was ordered as part of a settlement. Though no sale is final yet – it’s listed publicly as “pending feasibility” – there’s an early-stage redevelopment proposal in city files. The roughed-out site plan for the 12,900-square-foot parcel proposes a 5-story mixed-use building with an unspecified number of apartments, plus 1,800 square feet of “retail” space and 24 offstreet parking spaces. Again, this is very early-stage, so no reviews or comment periods are scheduled yet.

5 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: New proposal for forfeited-after-raid South Delridge site"

  • D June 21, 2019 (2:09 pm)

    Gosh golly!!! Sell some weed and be forced to sell your land.  Why not do the same thing to companies that pollute the city with dumping dangerous chemicals and noise pollution? Seems like a better way to kick people out…

    • WSB June 21, 2019 (2:59 pm)

      The case was a little more complicated than that. Also, as noted in our previous report (linked above), the owner still gets to keep part of the sale proceeds.

  • AMD June 21, 2019 (7:32 pm)

    OMG this sounds amazing!!!  *crosses fingers*  Please approve the plan!  Please approve the plan!

  • Traci June 22, 2019 (8:28 am)

    Oh great! Another “stack em and pack em”. Y’all should research why this is the new “thing”. Filling up every city with these buildings. Goodbye to all the personality and soul Seattle used to have, while gathering up it’s well off residents (the only ones who can afford those) into one tiny space. Start asking “why?”. 

    • AMD June 22, 2019 (8:13 pm)

      I don’t need to ask “why” I’m living it.  I will happily say good-bye to the “personality and soul” of the abandoned haven for criminal activity that serves as nothing other than a blight on our neighborhood.  I welcome more neighbors and retail because these are what make neighborhoods vibrant.  Anti-improvement activists like this are why these derelict properties are left to create problems for neighborhoods for years.  People make communities great.  Amenities make neighborhoods great.  I will never understand the opposition to those things, especially when they’re literally replacing abandoned drug hovels.

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