1 DAY AWAY! Laps with Lou for Make-A-Wish on Friday

May 30, 2019 9:58 am
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(WSB file photo)

Tomorrow’s the day, so we’re reminding you one more time! Lou Cutler will return to the West Seattle school where he long served as PE teacher, Pathfinder K-8 on Pigeon Point, to run/walk laps to benefit Make-A-Wish. Every year in advance of his birthday, Lou celebrates with one lap per year – this year, 68 (more than 11 miles)! Everybody’s welcome to join him for one or more laps at the Pathfinder field (1901 SW Genesee) starting just after 9 am Friday (May 31st). Sideline support welcome too, as are online donations: Here’s his page on the Make-A-Wish website.

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