UPDATE: Driver hits parked car, goes sideways in Arbor Heights

8:15 PM: SFD and SPD are on their way to a reported “rollover collision” involving one person in one vehicle in the 9800 block of 35th SW [map]. Updates to come.

8:27 PM: Added photo – it’s a car that went sideways after its driver hit a parked car, according to what we’ve been told at the scene. The driver will be taken to the hospital by AMR ambulance. 35th is currently blocked both ways.

9:22 PM: Another photo – at left is the car that was hit while parked. We went by the scene again a short time ago; still blocked. We’ll update when there’s word it’s open again.

24 Replies to "UPDATE: Driver hits parked car, goes sideways in Arbor Heights"

  • Beto March 26, 2019 (8:57 pm)

    How can this happen when someone is supposed to be driving at 30 mph?  

    • WSB March 26, 2019 (9:25 pm)

      As discussed many times here, this type of crash is not necessarily the result of speed.

    • Tom Kennedy March 27, 2019 (2:12 am)

      I watched a lot of crash videos on youtube, and it’s surprising how little it takes to roll a car. Not in the dramatic hollywood style, but just tweak it at a bit of an angle so the weight folds across the two tires – and over it goes.

  • Delaney Gaughan March 26, 2019 (8:58 pm)

    What kind of car was it?

    • WSB March 26, 2019 (9:32 pm)

      This is the only view we have, sorry.

    • Rick March 27, 2019 (2:35 am)

      The kind that is on it’s side.

  • AdamBL March 26, 2019 (9:03 pm)

    wow what the heck is going on in arbor heights!

  • Alki resident March 26, 2019 (9:16 pm)

    Almost the exact same spot as the last roll over there, a couple of years ago. The phenomenon continues.

    • AH69 March 26, 2019 (11:52 pm)

      Alki Res… it’s not a phenomenon it’s too narrow of off street parking for people on the east side of 35th 

    • Lisa March 27, 2019 (9:09 am)

      The one a few years ago three houses down was different.  A truck was parked blocking the view.  The SUV turned from 98th to 35th was hit by a sports car and the SUV did a total flip on to its roof.   Sports car totally won.

  • Lisa March 26, 2019 (9:30 pm)

    Tow truck is clearing now 

    • WSB March 26, 2019 (9:33 pm)

      Thank you for the update!

  • waikikigirl March 27, 2019 (6:22 am)

    It is people driving too fast, impaired (DUI) or a medical reason in this case it looks way too fast if it knocked the car up onto the sidewalk!

  • Millie March 27, 2019 (8:14 am)

    35th Avenue in Arbor Heights has always been narrow and misaligned.   With last year’s  “Safe Neighborhoods (?) road project it has become more so with the cross-walk bulbs extending into the street.  Yes, it looks nice now with a sidewalk and planting strip resulting in a narrower roadway and more cars parked in a smaller space.   It may be easy to roll-a-car (something I hope to never experience) but speed certainly must play some part.  The other night coming home from work (around midnite) I had to pull over so the two-boys in a fancy little sports car should pretend it was the Indy 500 – definitely not 30 miles per hour.     

  • Cid March 27, 2019 (8:22 am)

    Wait….so the exact same thing that happened on California Ave a couple of days earlier? That’s weird. 

    • Swede. March 27, 2019 (9:49 am)

      The day before actually, Monday the 25th. And very similar indeed, solo accidents hitting parked cars at (allegedly) low speed and a flip over. Paying attention is actually free despite its name… and it’s a good thing to do when driving I would argue. 

  • Ex-Westwood Resident March 27, 2019 (11:14 am)

    The problem with that area on 35th is, where once it was a pretty much straight drive from Roxbury to 107th, there is now a slight jog in the road due to the reconfiguration and sidewalk installation last summer. There is a sign that points this out, but it needs to be one of those LED lighted signs If you are not aware of it, or frequent that route, it WILL catch you by surprise.And NO, it does not take much to flip a car on it’s side. 

  • Jim P. March 27, 2019 (1:06 pm)

    ” If you are not aware of it, or frequent that route, it WILL catch you by surprise”Nothing short of a meteor strike should catch a driver n a moving vehicle by surprise.  One is supposed to be paying full attention to driving.How one fails to notice a jog in the road or a narrow spot is beyond my capacity to understand.  When performing an act where a mistake can kill people, such as driving say, one has a moral obligation to giver it everything you have in terms of attention and concentration.People far too calmly accept excuses from death dealing drivers they would never accept from other sources.

  • Heartless? March 27, 2019 (3:42 pm)

     Parking along that stretch is problematic.  With the new sidewalks, parking on the west side is wider, but causes great difficulty with anyone turning northbound off of 99th.  it’s an accident waiting to happen.  You can’t see anyone coming from the north until they are right on top of you.  And if they are speeding?……Agree with another poster, the curbs extend too far out.  And parking on the east side is ridiculous.  The street is too narrow.   Parking should be allowed on the west side of the street only and the speed limit reduced AND enforced.  Also no parking within 30′ (at least)of the cross streets!  ACCIDENTS WAITING TO HAPPEN!

  • Heartless? March 27, 2019 (5:52 pm)

    Or, alternatively, remove the sidewalk on the east side to allow parking.  35th is too narrow for BOTH parking and sidewalks on both sides.  Horrible engineering IMO.

    • AH69 March 27, 2019 (11:06 pm)

      Heartless… I whole heartedly agree. I’ve lived on 99th for 25 yrs now and after they re-did the west side sidewalks I called sdot to report that problem of turning N onto 35th. They finally sent someone out to look at it and found no reason to post a “no parking within 30’ “ sign. Ummm problem, they sent the person out in the middle of the day when most cars are gone. I rarely go that way anymore, now it’s N on 37th to the stoplight at Roxbury. Much safer

  • Monica A Silva March 28, 2019 (10:17 am)

    I have complained to the city several times about this stretch of the road (it’s where I live) and I now have parking in front but NO WHITE LINES. I think the city should be sued for this – 

  • Heartless? March 28, 2019 (3:47 pm)

    Sooner or later there is going to be a BIG crash at 35th and 99th.  The driver of the car turning northbound will die or be severely injured by being T-boned by a southbound vehicle traveling 35-45mph.  Because of the parking allowed on the east side of 35th, there will be no “escape” for the vehicle turning northbound.  If this happens, and the turning car is effectively “channeled” back in to facing northbound, the collision stands a good chance of becoming a head-on.AH69, you’ve got me fired up.  I’m gonna write a letter.  Should’ve done it long ago! ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN! 

  • 1994 March 28, 2019 (8:41 pm)

    Please drive South on 35th past the intersection with SW 100 St. The slight jog, forcing drivers to scoot left in a very short distance, is nearly invisible as you approach and scan your eyes southwards down 35th. The jog blends in with the overall road  so it is not that visible in addition to being very short – not a lot of distance to adjust your direction at 30 mph. The driver’s eye is actually drawn to look at the huge concrete bulb (the empty space), but not necessarily where the end of it juts/jogs out into 35th.  Plus, 35th and 100th can be a busy intersection so there are other things to watch for.  Maybe if the curb, where it bulges out into 35th, is painted yellow the jog would be more noticeable. The slight jog does catch you by surprise. Drive it and you will be surprised! 

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