FOLLOWUP: Kierra Ward found competent to stand trial in Admiral attack

(October 2017 photo by WSB’s Christopher Boffoli)

A King County Superior Court judge has ruled that 27-year-old Kierra M. Ward is now competent to stand trial in the October 2017 stabbing attack on an Admiral woman out for a walk with her baby. The ruling on Monday followed Ward being sent to Western State Hospital for competency restoration, after she was found incompetent in July. The next step in the case, according to documents from Monday’s hearing, is a sanity evaluation, because her lawyer has indicated that Ward will pursue the insanity defense. The evaluation is to be done before her next hearing, which is set for January 10th. Ward is charged with one count of first-degree assault and one count of second-degree assault and remains jailed in lieu of $400,000 bail.

8 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Kierra Ward found competent to stand trial in Admiral attack"

  • Admiral Mom December 18, 2018 (7:12 pm)

    Sad all around

  • West Seattle Hipster December 18, 2018 (8:21 pm)

    I am praying she receives a long prison sentence.

    • Jort December 18, 2018 (9:57 pm)

      You’ve gotta admit … that’s a pretty weird thing to pray for! “Dear God, please lock someone up in a prison. Amen.”

      • Oh please December 19, 2018 (3:36 am)

        It’s weird to pray for safety from a crazed stabber?

        • Jort December 19, 2018 (8:43 am)

          What would could be at all weird about praying for incarceration instead of mercy and/or forgiveness? In fact, if we take a look at some old biblical reference material, maybe checking in the index, I think I remember just thousands of references to “lock them up!” but nothing under “mercy” or “forgiveness.”     I certainly remember in Sunday school when we would join hands and say together, “Oh great lord, may you please, in your everlasting benevolence, grant prison sentences to the scary people who frighten us?”       In summary, to directly answer your question: Yes. It is actually kinda weird to pray to a deity for punishment of criminals. It’s super weird, especially when the most mainstream deity in this country repeatedly references forgiveness and mercy over vengeance in that deity’s primary texts. But hey, whatever floats your prayer boat! 

          • Oh please December 21, 2018 (12:16 pm)

            @jort- your judgement of the praying woman is projection on your part. I don’t hear her as demanding punishment, but simply asking for protection against someone who would knife attack an unknown mother with child. It’s not like she said she was praying during her commute in a single occupancy vehicle..?  Geez- get off everyone for a minute. 

  • Truth & Grace December 19, 2018 (12:21 pm)

    What if we pray her mind be restored, she pay for what she has done because we all know you reap what you sew, and she go forth to become a good, productive citizen and live a good life.  Not in anyway making light of the fact that she tried to take a human life and she will need to pay for that in some form.  But at the end of the day the best for everyone is for her to be well and go and live a good productive life as a good citizen.  That would be the best outcome anyone could hope for.Extra prayers for the victim!

  • me December 20, 2018 (12:37 pm)

    is the victim okay?

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