So many neighbors work tirelessly and often thanklessly to make this a better place. Today, one of them got some thanks, in the form of an award – Sharon Baker from Friends of Lincoln Park is among the recipients of the Denny Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Stewardship, announced today by Seattle Parks. From the announcement:
… The winners are a cross-section of Seattle’s most creative, dedicated and hard-working volunteers who donate precious time and energy to improving Seattle’s parks and recreation programs. …
In 2017, 36,198 people volunteered for Seattle Parks and Recreation, providing 196,448 hours of service, which is a donation valued by Independent Sector at $30.46 per hour or $5.9 million dollars.
Healthy Environment: Sharon Baker, Lincoln Park
For the past 13 years, Sharon Baker, lead forest steward with Friends of Lincoln Park (FLiP), has led volunteers in creating healthy habitats in the park. Sharon has spent countless hours restoring beautiful Lincoln Park forest, benefitting the surrounding community, wildlife and ecosystems. Since she became a master forest steward in 2005, she has been committed to restoring and maintaining much of the park’s extensive forested areas. Sharon creates a warm and welcoming experience for anyone who wishes to join the efforts of FLiP. Sharon welcomes many youth groups and local school classes to experience the forested areas of Lincoln Park, and she knows exactly the right spots in the park that will spark their interest and imagination.
P.S. Want to join Sharon and the FLiP volunteers? Their next work party is this Sunday morning!