When Marcellus Turner, who leads the Seattle Public Library system, came to West Seattle for a community conversation earlier this month, we weren’t able to be there, but SPL told us they planned an online recap. That recap is now online, and if you’re among SPL’s thousands of local users, you might be interested. Along with a summary of what Turner told those in attendance at Southwest Library, you can also read how he responded to the following questions – on the recap page, each is followed by a plus sign you can click to see the response.
Are building renovations covered under the maintenance portion of the budget?
Is the Library allowed to pursue grants?
Do you approach local businesses to request in-kind services?
When I was growing up, librarians were strict. But now, kids are often noisy while playing games on computers, sometimes multiple people per one computer. It goes against what I feel is the proper use for the Library.
Different libraries seem to allow different levels of noise. Can we have a maximum noise level?
If there’s a group that gets consistent complaints, can they be removed?
I have inadvertently viewed material on the public computers at the Central Library that I didn’t want to see. What is being done to prevent that?
How is the Library addressing the needs of people who need quiet vs. people who need to make noise?
Can the Library have resources, programs and outreach focused on people with dementia?
Could we have more Young Adult titles in Peak Picks?
Can the Library loan more physical objects? For instance, a wooden shoe that kids could learn to tie shoes with.
If nobody is waiting for a book, why are we limited to only two renewals?
Please don’t shelve juvenile non-fiction with adult non-fiction – it makes it hard for me to find the kids books.
Is the Wi-Fi turned off at night?
I want to see book groups at every branch.
When we give our information to a third party company through the Library, like for streaming videos or e-books, is the info we give them protected by the Library’s privacy policy?
This was Turner’s only West Seattle stop in the current round of community conversations. SPL says about 30 people were there.