UPDATE: ‘Scenes of violence’ call in High Point

2:41 AM: Just checked this out after a tip. SFD and all but one Seattle Police officer had already cleared the scene in the 7100 block of 29th SW. SPD says it was a “person in crisis” situation and that the person has been taken to the hospital. We’ll add any followup information we get later.

12:53 PM: Update from SFD: The person who was transported was taken to the hospital in stable condition with what was determined to be a self-inflicted wound.

7 Replies to "UPDATE: 'Scenes of violence' call in High Point"

  • Anonymous September 25, 2018 (10:07 am)

    Thanks for covering this, any updates? Was startled by speeding vehicles and emergency response down the street at 2am. 

    • WSB September 25, 2018 (10:48 am)

      Since a “person in crisis” situation means it wasn’t a crime investigation, I’m not likely to be able to get anything more from police, but I’m checking with SFD regarding the person taken to the hospital and will add anything I find out there.

  • Busrider September 25, 2018 (11:06 am)

    The title for this report seems off. More like person having an illness. Seems to imply mayhem in the neighborhood.also from the location its on the cusp of sunrise heights too?

    • WSB September 25, 2018 (11:15 am)

      ‘Scenes of violence,’ as discussed here previously multiple times, is the city’s designation for certain types of calls. See the line for this one here.

      Used to be “assault with weapons.” As for the neighborhood designation, best I could do at 2:30 am. It’s not far south of Myrtle, where 35th/Myrtle is the actual “high point” (highest elevation in the city) from which the area takes its name. – TR

  • Malco September 25, 2018 (4:58 pm)

    I recently moved from West Seattle to the East Side. Couldn’t be happier. High Point is devolving into a cesspit of violence. My wife did not feel safe walking the streets with my son. A guy my age was recently shot to death – yards from my old house – by a teenager as he exited a bus. A woman my wife’s age who was walking her baby in a stroller was stabbed multiple times. Unbelievable. There are new stories every week.And the funny thing is, people who live in the neighborhood shrug their shoulders, blame society and carry on – as if living close to gang shootings and robberies is something that one should simply accept nowadays.In addition to that, in my new town the streets are cleaner, there are no potholes, there are no weeds growing from the sidewalks, and there are no hooded youths loitering outside the gas station. People take care of their front yards. People say hello as they pass you. The buses don’t smell of urine. Sorry West Seattle, but I won’t miss you.

    • westside4lifeyo September 25, 2018 (8:37 pm)

      Pff east side is a dump

    • geographer September 25, 2018 (9:52 pm)

      We won’t miss you either.

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