West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
Final: Chief Sealth 29, West Seattle 14. Seahawks keep #hulingbowl trophy for 2nd year. pic.twitter.com/CZ85I7OQ32
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) September 15, 2018
10:15 PM: We’re at Southwest Athletic Complex, where Chief Sealth International High School has just topped West Seattle High School in the annual Huling Bowl football game. Final score: CSIHS 29, WSHS 14. Much more to come.
ADDED SATURDAY MORNING: The exuberance that Sealth displayed after the win had permeated the whole night. The Seahawks were the home team, though SWAC is both teams’ home field. Both schools’ bands and cheerleaders were there; the Sealth band marched in pre-game:
The Sealth band marches in (the WSHS band is in the stands) pic.twitter.com/4o1BnSwKDx
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) September 15, 2018
Sealth waved the flag – that’s #32, Elias Orbino:
Principal Aida Fraser-Hammer was at the grill for the pre-game cookout:
Now, on to the football. West Seattle’s offense didn’t really awaken until the fourth quarter. Until then, it was almost all about Sealth star #8, Dontae McMillan, starting with his first TD at 4:02 to go in the first quarter:
He scored three of the four Sealth TD’s; his twin brother, #6 Jalonie McMillan, had the other, right before halftime (bringing that score to 20-0):
A safety with 8:43 to go in the third quarter concluded Sealth’s scoring. Then in the fourth quarter, the Wildcats started a comeback.
West Seattle #6 Colin Roman got them on the boards with 11:08 to go in the game; six minutes later, the Wildcats scored again, but though they tried mightily to keep it going, that’s where it stopped, 29-14. The two schools’ athletic directors, WSHS’s Corey Sorenson and CSIHS’s Ernest Policarpio, had been watching from the sidelines with the trophy:
Then it was time to celebrate:
Chief Sealth’s second consecutive win follows two years (2015, 2016) for West Seattle – the Seahawks have won both years since head coach Ted Rodriguez took over.
If you’re new, the Huling Bowl backstory is here. Steve Huling (CSIHS Class of 1965), who we interviewed for that story in 2012, was at the game last night, as were hundreds of fans from both school communities.
NEXT UP: Sealth (1-2) plays Cleveland at Memorial Stadium downtown next Friday night (September 21st), 7:45 pm; WSHS (0-3) is at home at SWAC that night vs. Nathan Hale, 7 pm.
Seattle Public Schools has numerous schools “bursting at the seams,” attendees were told last night at the final West Seattle community meeting before the School Board finalizes the six-year BEX V levy that will be sent to voters next year, largely to raise money to build and expand schools around the city.
The meeting – with about 25 in attendance – scattered around the West Seattle High School Commons – also addressed the three-year Operations Levy that’ll be on the same ballot.
But the staff presentation was much more about trying to explain why the levies are needed, than what they would pay for. For West Seattle, for example, there are some big decisions to be made – which school(s) will be rebuilt/expanded?
And it was clear the district is desperate to clarify what West Seattle-residing board president Leslie Harris has described as “levy confusion” – right from the first slides presented by JoLynn Berge, assistant superintendent for Business and Finance (what’s embedded below is the entire slide deck from the series of community meetings):
Tough to explain the state vs. city education-levy situation in just a few slides, but it’s vital, given that many of the voters who will likely be looking at a billion-plus in levies in February are also already dealing with the Legislature-approved property-tax increases that they heard would “fix” education funding. Berge also hit on the Legislature-set levy cap, and a “remaining gap in state basic education funding” for special education.
Capital Projects planning director Richard Best then got down to BEX V basics. He mentioned West Seattle projects from the expiring BEX IV levy – new Arbor Heights (at capacity) and Genesee Hill (exceeding capacity) and expanded Fairmount Park elementaries. Besides the new or newly expanded schools, the district has added new classrooms through portables, repurposing space, etc.
But beyond that, there’s a lot of need, Best said – billions of dollars in all. That full list “will not be moving forward,” he said. The first local potential project he mentioned is Lafayette Elementary, saying that it might be designated a historic landmark and that would significantly affect what kind of project would be possible. Before going through a possible local list, he took questions. He also explained the principles the board is using for “scoring and relative ranking of proposed projects.”
On September 26th, the board will “begin refining this list,” Best said, pointing to the August 22nd board presentation with mounds of data on all this (as featured in our story here).
Then he got briefly to the potential project list – touching on other areas as well as ours. He sidetracked into a mention of seeking an “interim site” for the southeast area and a side mention that Schmitz Park is a potential interim site for our area.
More questions: Whatever happened to the possibility that Alki and Lafayette would be modernized at the same time? That won’t be happening, said Best. They’d be modernized one at a time because they couldn’t both be housed at Schmitz Park. They’re working on a plan for the “different scenarios,” he said.
What about projects that aren’t labeled Priority 1? asked a Sanislo Elementary parent who noted that several lower-priority projects were mentioned for that school. The board has yet to decide what’ll make the ballot measure, Best reiterated.
Asked how many of the BEX IV projects had been completed – 13 of 17, said Best, and all but 1 of the remaining four are under construction. In addition, they had a 3 percent budget contingency and have not exceeded it for any of the projects.
A West Seattleite wondered what would happen if Roxhill’s rebuild made the final list – while it’s on the potential-project list, it wasn’t on the map of potential projects displayed on an easel at the meeting:
If the Roxhill building was rebuilt, would the program move “back” to the new building? That’s the current presumption – but they would have to have a conversation with the school community, given the excitement over the move to a newly renovated EC Hughes building, Best said. He then went on to infer it’s mostly a moot point because if the district expanded West Seattle Elementary – also on the potential-project list for BEX V – they wouldn’t have to rebuild Roxhill to handle the needed south-end capacity “So it’s an either/or situation,” said Best.
John Krull, the tech exec for the district, also gave a presentation. His department’s needs are a long list too – upgrades, modernizing 625 classrooms at $15,000/classroom, etc. Is a district central business system part of this? asked an attendee, and if so, how do they avoid the trials and tribulations that have befallen other public agencies? Krull said they’d put in a lot of planning. What about take-home tech for students? he was asked. They’re not quite there but working on it in relation to equity, he said.
A parent of a “future Alki student” wondered about the ranking system used in the documents and how that would factor into decisionmaking. “That is a school board decision,” declared Best. Board member Eden Mack tried to explain how that would work, then asked “Does that make sense?”
“I guess so,” said the parent, going on to ask for clarification about what number of projects might be chosen, for example. She said they would be looking at levels of urgency. “We know we’re not going to be able to fix everything,” said Mack.
Board president Harris then noted that her next community conversation is 3-5 pm September 22nd at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), followed by one on the third weekend of October. She added cheerily that she brings lasagna to one of every three meetings. But that aside, she said, it’s worth your time: “It’s rowdy, it’s thoughtful…” Harris described the BEX V potential-projects list as an extraordinarily long list of needs but said she’s proud of staff for all the work that’s gone into this, “the best process I’ve seen in 25 years.”
Feedback but couldn’t make the meeting? Get it in soon! The addresses and phone number you can use are on the right side of the district webpage about the current round of meetings (which continue in other areas of the city – this was the only one in West Seattle). The levy vote is next February.
Today was supposed to be the second day of a monthlong closure of Southwest Pool for accessibility renovations. Instead, we’ve just received word that the closure plan has changed dramatically because of permit problems – the pool will instead reopen Monday, and will be on a “limited schedule” for the next month. The announcement:
Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) will be making a variety of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements to Southwest Pool (2801 SW Thistle St.). Most of the work will take place this fall and will include improvements to the restrooms, driveway, entrance, and parking lot.
SPR originally planned to close Southwest Pool from Sept. 13-Oct. 14; however, contracts and permits were unable to be secured in time to meet the planned closure dates. Instead, Southwest Pool will now operate on a limited schedule from Monday, Sept. 17 to Sunday, Oct. 14 to facilitate this work. The pool will resume operating on its normal schedule on Monday, Oct. 15. Details on Southwest Pool’s limited schedule can be found on their website.
SPR will continue ADA improvement work on Southwest Pool’s restrooms throughout October and November; however, this work will not impact facility hours. SPR will also work on improvements to Southwest Pool’s front driveway, entrance, and parking lot in October and November, which will require users to access the facility via the rear entrance. ADA improvements to the pool locker rooms will occur in spring 2019.
The “limited schedule” that will be in place starting Monday can be seen here (PDF). Southwest Pool is at 2801 SW Thistle.
(SDOT crew working at Olson/1st this week)
SDOT says the work at Olson/1st, on the east end of the Roxbury corridor, continues this weekend:
This weekend we are repaving the busy 1st Ave S and Olson Place SW intersection, at the east end of the SW Roxbury corridor. Our crews worked 12-hour shifts every weekend in August to complete installation of new wiring and bonding underground, across about 70 feet of travel lanes. The trench was covered in steel plates to await asphalt.
What you can expect:
Crews from SDOT Roadway Structures will move and reset steel plates during asphalt work, then remove the steel plates the following day and clear the area.September 15 | 9 AM – 8 PM
September 16 | 9 AM – Noon
Closure | Expect lane closures on Olson Pl SW and 1st Ave S.
General | 2 Uniformed Police Officers will be on site to guide traffic.
The 1st/Olson location was prioritized for a Levy to Move Seattle major maintenance rebuild, to enhance reliability and function where underground wiring/materials had degraded. The failing existing conduit system had caused repeated maintenance issues. The new conduit connects to our Traffic Operations Center and Intelligent Transportation System, which helps enhance safety and mobility remotely.
The project includes new LED traffic signals and new signal support poles — better aligned with the current roadway configuration, for optimal visibility. These are scheduled to be installed in October.
More background on the project, including a history-related side note, is in this WSB report from three weeks ago. P.S. Thanks to Craig for sending the 1933 Seattle Municipal Railway map relating to that!
Next Thursday (September 20th), the Southwest Design Review Board meets for its first look at two West Seattle projects. The design packets for both are now online:
(The three ‘massing’ options for 3201 Avalon)
3201 SW AVALON WAY: See the packet here. This is a 7-story, 150-apartment, 85-offstreet-parking-space project proposed to replace the Golden Tee (map; two buildings, 28 units, 30 spaces). NK Architects is designing the project. It’s first up on the SWDRB’s agenda at 6:30 pm Thursday.
(The three ‘massing’ options for 7617 35th)
7617 35TH SW: See the packet here. This is a 4-story, 42-unit, 28-offstreet-parking-space proposal for the Complete Auto Repair site [map]. LDG Architects is designing the project. It’s scheduled for the 8 pm spot on the agenda.
Both meetings are at the Senior Center/Sisson Building in The Junction (4217 SW Oregon); both include public-comment periods. Since both are for the Early Design Guidance phase of Design Review, they are focused on size/shape/site placement of the buildings (“massing”), and there will be at least one more meeting for each project.
Just checked the files on high-profile West Seattle criminal cases we’re following:
EDIXON VELASQUEZ MURDER: The two people charged in this deadly shooting one year ago in Westwood were back in court this morning. A new trial date, January 15th, has been set for Anna Kasparova, an ex-girlfriend of the victim who is alleged to have lured him to his death, and Abel Linares, accused of shooting Velasquez outside his home.
RYAN COX: It’s now been 13 months since this repeat offender was arrested and charged with stabbing a man in Gatewood. Back in July, Cox was found competent to stand trial. At a hearing this morning, the date for his trial was postponed again; pending what emerges at a readiness hearing on October 19th, his trial is tentatively set to start November 5th. His lawyer moved for the delay, according to the document filed after today’s hearing, so they could complete “witness interviews.”
We just stopped by Fauntleroy Church to preview this weekend’s 2nd Time Sale and we can tell you firsthand, the Fellowship Hall is wall-to-wall with gently used stuff in great shape, lovingly arranged by volunteers and ready for you to shop. Among them, Judy Pickens, who explains:
This huge community sale began as a one-day spree for bargain shoppers in the church parking lot, then moved indoors in 2010 so everything could be under cover and well organized. Donations throughout the year from members and friends of the congregation enable volunteers to sort for quality and make sure items are clean and in working order. Proceeds benefit the mission of the church and leftovers benefit nearly a dozen local charities. All sale areas are wheelchair accessible and free delivery of large pieces is available upon request.
Cookware, art, jewelry, Halloween and Christmas decorations, toys, puzzles, bikes, even two telescopes!
Go see for yourself tomorrow and/or Sunday. Sale hours are 9 am-4 pm Saturday, 11:30 am-2 pm Sunday (with half-price time for whatever’s left in the final hour).
(Belted kingfisher, photographed by Mark Ahlness, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Quick look at the highlights:
DAY OF CARING AT WESTCREST PARK: 10 am-2 pm work party as part of the United Way Day of Caring. Meet by the P-Patch garden. (See map for location)
‘FILL THE BOOT’ FINALE: 9 am-7 pm, firefighters are in The Junction one last day for the annual Muscular Dystrophy Association donation drive. (California/Alaska)
WEST SEATTLE REALTY APPRECIATION PARTY: You’re invited! Stop by 4-9 pm on the rooftop deck to join West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor) in celebrating many things, including community. (2641 42nd SW)
COMMUNITY DRUMMING CIRCLE: Inner Alchemy welcomes all to join in, 5-6:30 pm at Myrtle Reservoir Park. (35th/Myrtle)
WESTFEST: Holy Rosary School‘s annual “Carnival of Community” starts tonight, 6-10 pm. And remember to bring diapers for WestSide Baby! (42nd/Genesee)
‘A GRAND AFFAIR’: No ticket(s) yet? Buy yours at the door for the West Seattle Food Bank‘s cocktail party, with mock casino gaming, hosted beer/wine/appetizers, and more fun. Starts at 6:30 pm at The Sanctuary at Admiral. (42nd/Lander)
HULING BOWL: The annual football faceoff between Chief Sealth International High School and West Seattle High School is at 7 pm tonight, Southwest Athletic Complex. WSHS fans are wearing white, CSIHS fans are wearing red, according to school promotion. Winner gets the rotating trophy! (2801 SW Thistle)
ART LOUNGE: Bring your project to Highland Park Improvement Club starting at 7 pm. Bar is open. 21+. Work in a creative atmosphere! (12th SW/SW Holden)
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:06 AM: Good morning! We start with word of a crash on NB 99 blocking the right lane at the Battery St. Tunnel. Speaking of 99:
HIGHWAY 99 CLOSURE REMINDER: WSDOT will close SB 99 between the Battery St. Tunnel and West Seattle Bridge from 11:59 pm Friday night to 11:59 pm Sunday.
COSMO 7K: This race will close Alki Avenue for a few hours Sunday morning.
7:13 AM: WSDOT says the 99 crash has cleared.
7:18 AM: Inbound alert – crash reported on the westbound high bridge at Delridge.
7:56 AM: SFD has closed that incident. More Battery St Tunnel trouble – a spinout on the SB side has closed the tunnel per SDOT.
8:19 AM: Cleared.
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