‘Sound Spots’: New music-history exhibit opens at Log House Museum

Long before SPF30 … remember the Seattle Music Fest at Alki? That poster is part of a new music-history exhibit that opened today at the Log House Museum, just before music fans swarm the beach for Saturday’s big event.

The display case above includes Nirvana memorabilia on loan from local entrepreneur John Bennett, including a smiley face drawn by Kurt Cobain. An interactive component of the exhibit will take you back decades further:

You’re looking at the house that was once home to Ivar Haglund – whose music you can choose to hear; Woody Guthrie, too. (Ivar’s bio explains the link.) Lots of other memorabilia to browse, too:

The museum (61st SW/SW Stevens) is open noon-4 pm Thursdays-Sundays, and yes, it’ll be open on Saturday during SPF30, too.

2 Replies to "'Sound Spots': New music-history exhibit opens at Log House Museum"

  • RarelyEver August 10, 2018 (1:47 pm)

    Looks so cool, can’t wait to check it out!  Great job, Peder!  :)

  • Clay Eals August 10, 2018 (3:50 pm)

    Go, Peder, go! Go, Carly, go!

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