SEAFAIR: Blue Angels arrived today; Parade of Ships goes past West Seattle tomorrow

12:58 PM: Thanks to @macjustice for that tweeted photo of the Blue Angels flying past West Seattle shortly before their arrival at Boeing Field this morning. We watched from the west-side viewing area along the runway just south of the tower; they touched down at 11:20 am, having stopped at Glacier Park Airport in Kalispell, Montana on the way here from last weekend’s airshow appearance in Fargo, North Dakota. As usual, they are based at the Museum of Flight (9404 E. Marginal Way S.) during their visit, and that’s where you can watch their pre-flight preps as well as the takeoffs. They have VIP flights and other duties until Thursday, when they go up for two practice sessions, and then full shows Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. As mentioned in our morning traffic report, the I-90 floating bridge will close while they’re up Thursday-Sunday – here are those details.

PARADE OF SHIPS: While Blue Angels-watching from West Seattle is unpredictable, another Seafair/military event is not – tomorrow’s Parade of Ships. While technically it’s billed as something to watch from the downtown waterfront, the ships participating in Seafair Fleet Week tours will sail past West Seattle’s north-facing shores around noon-ish Tuesday. Seafair has yet to answer our inquiry about which U.S. Navy ships are participating, but its website mentions one U.S. Coast Guard cutter and two Canadian Coast Guard vessels. (That same link also has tour times and locations for

1:34 PM: We just talked with US Navy regional public affairs in hopes they could tell us which of their ships will be sailing by tomorrow. They explained that this year for the first time, due to security concerns, they’re not announcing the ships until they’re “a little closer” – possibly not until tomorrow morning.

ADDED 12:22 AM TUESDAY: Now that it’s Tuesday, Seafair is releasing the list of ships participating in today’s seagoing parade, followed by five days of tours:

-U.S. Navy: Guided-missile destroyer USS Momsen (DDG-92) and amphibious transport dock USS Somerset (LPD-25), which was in the parade in 2016

-U.S. Coast Guard: USCGC Mellon

-Royal Canadian Navy: HMCS Yellowknife & HMCS Whitehorse

30 Replies to "SEAFAIR: Blue Angels arrived today; Parade of Ships goes past West Seattle tomorrow"

  • Pete July 30, 2018 (1:46 pm)

    Looking forward to seeing the show on Friday on the lake. We will be on a boat with a former pilot of the blue angels to give us a running narration of what they are doing. Looking forward to this unique opportunity. 

  • NW July 30, 2018 (2:01 pm)

    While so much of the city is and has been under significant change I would be glad to see the blue angels and hydroplane races add to the change Seattle is under and atop them from coming here anually altogether!

    • Michael July 30, 2018 (3:51 pm)

      I don’t get it, what’s wrong with unarmed fighter jets and race boats?  Of all the things the US military does how are the Blue Angels the worst part?  Are you just trying to be edgy?

      • NW July 30, 2018 (5:51 pm)

        All the fuel the hydros and jets consume the addition of greenhouse gases to our atmosphere it doesn’t represent our values here in the NW it’s certainly not my culture or the culture of our region. 

        • Swede. July 30, 2018 (10:53 pm)

          Sounds like you moved to the wrong region then. The Blue Angels and hydros been here since 1972 and 1951 respectively. Maybe Boeing should close their doors to so you can sleep better at night too?

          • NW July 31, 2018 (6:48 am)

            Born and raised here we as kids use to attach wooden hydroplanes to twine and pull them behind our bicycles in the 98116. 

    • Pete July 30, 2018 (6:19 pm)

      Why would you want the blue angels and hydros to stop coming?

      • Mike August 2, 2018 (2:13 pm)

        Noise, traffic backups, greenhouse gases, and the astronomical expense to maintain the blue angels. I think these reasons far outweigh the benefit of a little entertainment not everyone enjoys. 

  • Go NAVY July 30, 2018 (6:27 pm)

    It sounds like you may be better suited living somewhere in Arkansas instead of Seattle. The majority of Seattle residents enjoy the Blues and the Hydros year after year. If you don’t like them, move along…

    • WSB July 30, 2018 (6:50 pm)

      FWIW the Blue Angels perform in Arkansas too:

      • GoNAVY July 30, 2018 (6:58 pm)

        You’re right! Arkansas wasn’t a good example. Maybe moving somewhere out of the USA where the Blues don’t perform might be a better option. I’ll leave it at that…

        • Jen August 2, 2018 (5:42 pm)

          You might “leave it at that”- but I’m the Seattle Native who married the guy to whom you are suggesting relocation.  I’ve lived on Bainbridge Island and in Seattle For 48 years, been employed as an Underground Tour Guide for 11 of those years- we DO NOT APPRECIATE THE BLUE ANGELS.  Perhaps YOU would be more at home in Bremerton or Ferndale.  Taking direction from your suggestion.

          • GoNAVY August 3, 2018 (1:55 pm)

            Enjoy the Blue Angels everyone (this includes the hypocrites that “say” they don’t like them, but are the first to say “WOW, so cool” when they fly overhead). What a wonderful tradition!!! 

          • Mike August 3, 2018 (3:50 pm)

            Yep.  Noise pollution, air pollution, and traffic congestion paid for by our tax dollars whether you like it or not. Great tradition. 

          • GoNAVY August 3, 2018 (10:39 pm)

            Yes, you are right, Mike! It is a great tradition that has been enjoyed by many over the years. I appreciate and respect our military, and this is a small, very small, price to pay for well deserved patriotism, pride, and support of our military, the finest in the world. Enjoy the performance this weekend everyone! Looking forward to doing this all again next year, and the year after, and the year after…Go NAVY!!!

          • Mike August 5, 2018 (2:40 pm)

            Respectfully disagree. Some people just value entertainment over clean air, education, solid infrastructure, public health, etc.  I wish our tax dollars were spent more wisely.

          • GoNAVY again in 2019 August 8, 2018 (9:28 pm)

            Great show! See you next year, Blues and Hydros! Oh, and Mike, do you know how much fuel is used during a commercial flight for people to travel??? I sure hope you don’t travel. If you do, your viewpoint would be a bit hypocritical, don’t you think? Go Navy!!!

      • GoNAVY July 30, 2018 (7:04 pm)

        FWIW…not in 2018! Check the Blue Angels Airshow schedule.

    • Mike August 2, 2018 (5:33 pm)

      I’m assuming you’ve served, GoNavy. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. I still feel there are better, less disruptive, less expensive ways to honor our military and country (parades are fun!). As a 23 year citizen of Seattle, I’ve met plenty of fellow Seattlites who feel the same. As far as, “most” people enjoying the angels, I’d love to take a poll. (And don’t tell me move. That’s just unkind). 

  • Hydroblues July 30, 2018 (6:56 pm)

    As a frequent open water swimmer in Lake Washington, seeing the lake with trash and other flotsam and jetsam after the hydro races, I’d prefer it would go away altogether. It’s gross. And before you say it’s gross before Seafair, it’s actually quite lovely and a beautiful place to swim. 

  • July 30, 2018 (6:59 pm)

    It’s Seafair in  Seattle- Go Navy- & Hydros- love em both!

  • Hydroblues July 30, 2018 (7:00 pm)

    As a frequent open water swimmer in Lake Washington, seeing the lake with trash and other flotsam and jetsam after the hydro races, I’d prefer it would go away altogether. It’s gross. I dont think that the majority of people in Seattle like the hydro races and Blue Angels. And before you say the lake is gross before Seafair, it’s actually quite lovely and a beautiful place to swim. I’d prefer that if people use the lake for whatever purpose that they respect the lake and clean up after themselves.

  • JayDee July 30, 2018 (7:37 pm)

    Thanks WSB. I saw two of the pilots downtown this afternoon and wondered. I have always enjoyed the Blue Angels.  I wonder why the Navy is concerned about security…these are warships, right?  Hopefully they can take care of themselves in any event.

  • waikikigirl July 31, 2018 (4:34 am)

    @NW, I hate to add to your misery but the NHRA is also in town (Kent) this weekend at Pacific Raceway. 

  • 56bricks July 31, 2018 (5:27 am)

    Because, as you should know, it’s all about ME and only ME. Nobody else. Just ME. And if you missed it the first few times…ME.

  • anonyme July 31, 2018 (6:30 am)

    Agree with NW & Hydroblues.  Noise, pollution, and shipping traffic are destroying our environment and killing off marine wildlife, especially orcas.  I would much rather see a breaching whale than speeding machines making ear-splitting noise.

  • Chris Wells July 31, 2018 (8:45 am)

    It only took the second reply before snark. Might be a new record.

  • waikikigirl July 31, 2018 (9:38 am)

    Well we wouldn’t have anything to read if it wasn’t for any snarkism! LOL!!!!

  • NW GIRL August 1, 2018 (2:49 pm)

    I’m new to the 116… do we get any glimpses of the Blue Angels from the north end of California?

    • WSB August 1, 2018 (2:58 pm)

      During the formal airshow days – Friday-Sunday – you might get a flyby toward the end. Tomorrow, random scattered glimpses during the two practice sessions.

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