day : 07/06/2018 14 results

Nucor talks recycling, port talks pollution, and more @ Southwest District Council

Of the three presentations at Wednesday night’s Southwest District Council meeting. two continued the environment/sustainability theme that began with last month’s meeting:

NUCOR: Pat Jablonski spoke for the steel mill’s environmental team =”We’re a recycling facility,” Jablonski said – they take scrap, melt it down, and make it into steel products, mostly rebar that can be used in construction, infrastructure, “any sort of major construction project around here, there’s a pretty good chance it’ll have our steel in it.” The plant’s been there since 1905. “The overall business model of recycling scrap and producing steel products” hasn’t changed over the years. More than 300 people work there; the average salary is $90,000 a year, with entry-level positions around $60,000.

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FOLLOWUP: Admiral McDonald’s remodel complete

(WSB photos)

Admiral McDonald’s owner/operator Alia Abboud got to show off her newly remodeled restaurant to special visitors today. With her above is King County Council chair – and Admiral resident – Joe McDermott, there in honor of the official grand re-opening celebrating completion of the project we first told you about back in April. First the exterior work was done, including the drive-thru, and then the interior, so the restaurant could stay open throughout the project.

New ordering kiosks are part of the interior, but they haven’t replaced the human touch – you can order at the counter if you prefer. If you’re dining in, your order will be brought to the table, joining other fast-food restaurants in that service-delivery mode.

Other visitors there for the grand opening included McDonald’s government-relations manager Ian Tolleson and regional brand-reputation manager Lindsay Kirsh-Rainey. Abboud also owns the Morgan Junction McDonald’s, which eventually will get an overhaul too; no specific timeline yet. (The White Center McDonald’s, which has different ownership, also recently got the high-tech revamp, but in that case, the entire restaurant was rebuilt from the ground up, not just remodeled.)

Notice the red water? Likely the algae bloom known as noctiluca again

ORIGINAL REPORT, THURSDAY: Thanks to Jill for the photo. She asked about the red water along the shore south of Fauntleroy. Chances are that it’s the nontoxic algae bloom known as noctiluca, which has shown up time and again over the years – compare that photo to others we’ve published, such as 2014 and 2012. As explained by this state Department of Ecology webpage, noctiluca blooms are nontoxic.

MONDAY UPDATE: Thanks to Kersti Muul for turning up this new Ecology link confirming ongoing algae blooms.

UPDATE: Hearing a lot of sirens? South end fire calls

7:12 PM: Two Seattle Fire calls in south West Seattle right now – a brush fire has been working in the 10200 block of Marine View Drive for more than an hour and a half, and a car fire with “exposure” to a nearby building is working in the 9200 block of 24th SW. We’re out checking on both.

7:27 PM: Here’s the car-fire scene:

Minor damage to the garage. No injuries reported.

7:40 PM: The brush-fire call closed before we were able to get to the area to check it out.

‘Camp Second Chance is operating well at this location’: City announces permit-extension decision

Just in – the long-awaited city decision on another year at the Myers Way Parcels for West Seattle’s only city-sanctioned encampment:

The Human Services Department (HSD) recommends extending the permit for the Myers Way (also known as Camp Second Chance) permitted village to remain at 9701 Myers Way South for an additional 12 months, until March 2019.

HSD considered the following criteria in making this decision:

Is the program meeting the performance measures as described in the City contract?
Number of unduplicated homeless individuals/families that meet their emergency or immediate shelter needs
Percentage of homeless households who exit to permanent housing
Does the property exhibit physical deterioration that could pose a serious threat to the residents, neighbors or long-term uses?
Are there significant unforeseen impacts on the surrounding community that are directly attributed to the presence of the permitted encampment village?
The HSD contracted site operator, Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI), is required to utilize the Seattle-King County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to collect program level data. Since March 2017, when it received a city permit, 139 people who had been living unsheltered have been served at Camp Second Chance. In addition, the data shows that 26% of people who have left the Camp, exited to move into permanent housing.

HSD, in conjunction with other city entities, has determined the property at 9701 Myers Way South is not exhibiting physical deterioration, and the property is safely hosting this village.

Camp Second Chance is operating well at this location and should remain in place for an additional 12-months.

On the city website, the decision explanation above is followed by an FAQ – read it here. The camp first moved onto the city-owned property without authorization in summer 2016 and became sanctioned/funded more than half a year later.

Counseling West Seattle: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

Today we’re welcoming Counseling West Seattle as a new WSB sponsor:

Here’s what they would like you to know about who they are and what they do:

Counseling West Seattle is your neighborhood counseling center in the West Seattle community. Life gets very busy, sometimes difficult, so we have five counselors to serve you with an array of specialties: children and adolescents, adult individuals, couples, and families.

Counseling West Seattle welcomes people of all ages, stages of life as well as race, religion, sexual orientation, and abilities. Service to the community is our mission and our first priority.

We believe in change and transformation and experience it daily. We are a client-centered group practice and we utilize proven methods including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Solution Focused Therapy; EMDR; DBT and Mindfulness.

Our counselors are:
Toni Napoli, Director and Founder
Elliot Grossman: Individuals, couples and families with divorce
Ernie McGarry: Individuals and couples
Kathryn Vinson: Certified child therapist, individuals and families
Katie Unterreiner: Families, children, adults and couples
Stacey Goodrich: Adult individuals

We are providers for many Insurance Companies.

Visit our website to learn more about our counseling center:

We thank Counseling West Seattle for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

CAN YOU HELP TOMORROW? Urgent request from WestSide Baby

June 7, 2018 2:17 pm
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Just received from Shana @ WestSide Baby:


WestSide Baby is looking for about 8 volunteers tomorrow, Friday, June 8th, to help with a reorganizing project. They are making some efficiency changes to their operations space and could use some able-bodied volunteers at 10 am. Projects could include painting, moving potentially heavy items, and other tasks. If you have free time and would like to lend a hand, please email Shana Allen at Must be at least 14 years old to volunteer for this job.

WS Baby is headquartered at 10002 14th SW.

Also about to start work: Walkway improvements in Westwood

As promised, we have an update on the other Neighborhood Street Fund community-initiated project that’s about to start work in West Seattle, the Chief Sealth International High School Walkway Improvements. The pathways south of the school between SW Cloverdale and SW Trenton, north of Westwood Village, will be improved. From the new “construction notice,” which you can see in full here:

As soon as Monday, June 11, we’ll start construction on improvements for people walking along 26th Ave SW and 25th Ave SW between SW Cloverdale and SW Trenton streets. Work will last approximately 6 weeks. During this work, crews will:

■ Install two 10-foot-wide walkways on 26th Ave SW and 25th Ave SW that
■ will connect SW Trenton St and the cul-de-sacs to the north
■ Install lighting along the two paths
■ Replace vegetation along the two paths, where appropriate
■ Add a concrete curb bulb extension and ADA curb ramps at 26th Ave SW

The 26th Ave SW walkway will be constructed with asphalt. The 25th Ave SW walkway will be constructed with compacted gravel. SDOT crews will install asphalt on the 25th Ave SW walkway at a later date.

The 25th SW part of the project is also the one that SDOT was at one point last year going to drop entirely, relying on a potential future development to deal with it. To date, no development proposal has emerged. Meantime, as noted yesterday in our report on the other NSF project that’s about to get going, the contractor is C.A. Carey.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Highway 99 lane closures Saturday, full NB closure Sunday

Just received from WSDOT, word of Highway 99 lane closures Saturday and a full northbound closure part of Sunday:

Contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will reduce both directions of SR 99 to one lane on Saturday, June 9, so they can dig large sign foundations for the future SR 99 tunnel.

On Sunday, June 10, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon will close all lanes of northbound SR 99 between the West Seattle Bridge and Green Lake, along with off-ramps on Interstate 5 and SR 520.

Saturday, June 9

3 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Northbound SR 99 traffic will be reduced to one lane between South Lander Street and Holgate Street.

3 a.m. to 10 p.m. – Southbound SR 99 traffic will be reduced to one lane between Holgate Street and South Lander Street.

Sunday, June 10

4:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
All lanes and ramps of northbound SR 99 between South Spokane Street/West Seattle Bridge and West Green Lake Way will be closed.

6 to 11:15 a.m.
The northbound I-5 off-ramp to Lakeview Boulevard will be closed.
Two left turn lanes on the I-5 off-ramp to Mercer Street will be closed.
The westbound SR 520 off-ramp to Roanoke Street/Harvard Avenue will be closed.
Seattle city streets are also closing for the race.


Tria‘s car is the latest stolen vehicle that you’re being asked to watch for: “Black BMW 328i, 2008; car was stolen from 9200 block of 17th Ave SW in West Seattle sometime after 1:30 am. Plate BMJ8962.” If you see it, call 911.

West Seattle Thursday: Design Review x 2, Roxhill building’s future, more

June 7, 2018 10:39 am
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(Duwamish Head, photographed from Smith Tower by Robert Spears)

(updated) Seven happenings you should know about for tonight:

ROXHILL BUILDING’S FUTURE: 6-7 pm at Roxhill Elementary, you’re invited to come find out more about what programs/services will be in the building after the elementary school moves north to renovated EC Hughes. We reported some toplines here earlier this week. P.S. We’ve confirmed this is a drop-in meeting – no presentation. (9430 30th SW)

LONGFELLOW CREEK PROJECT MEETING: A flood-reduction-and-trail project proposed in North Delridge along 24th SW will be discussed at this meeting we recently previewed, 6-8 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

RECYCLED PAPER COLLAGE WORKSHOP: 6 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) with artist Linda McClamrock. Sign up here for this one and/or future dates. (5612 California SW)

DESIGN REVIEW FOR 4220 SW 100TH, 4800 40TH SW: Doubleheader tonight for the Southwest Design Review Board at the Senior Center/Sisson Building – 6:30 pm review of 8 townhouses and 1 live-work unit at 4220 SW 100th (see the design packet here), 8 pm review of 56 apartments and 4 live-work units at 4800 40th SW (see the design packet here). Both reviews will include public-comment opportunities. (4217 SW Oregon)

MADISON CONCERT: Madison Middle School‘s orchestra and jazz concert is tonight, 7 pm. (3429 45th SW)

NORTH HIGHLINE UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL: If you live just south of West Seattle, tonight’s the monthly meeting of your community council. We previewed the agenda on our partner site White Center Now. 7 pm at North Highline Fire District HQ. (1243 SW 112th)

SEATTLE LUTHERAN GRADUATION: First of West Seattle’s three high-school graduation ceremonies – the commencement for Seattle Lutheran High School‘s Class of 2018 is scheduled for 7:30 pm in the gym. (4100 SW Genesee)

SEE WHAT ELSE IS UP FOR TODAY, TONIGHT, BEYOND … via our complete calendar.

Speaking of walking … Sidewalk closed for work at Harbor/Fairmount

June 7, 2018 10:02 am
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Thanks to Samantha for noticing the “no parking” signs east of Seacrest, at Harbor and Fairmount, and asking what we knew. We checked them out yesterday and could only tell that the impending project involved SDOT, so we checked back today and the sidewalk’s being dug up.

So if you’re walking/riding in the area, you’ll have to detour. The signage indicates the work could last into next week.

P.S. If you see “no parking” signs or other hints that some kind of road/sidewalk work is on the way, please let us know! Very few projects bring advance advisories, but if we get word, we can share the news with others.

YOU CAN HELP! Improve Puget Park trail, then enjoy a barbecue

June 7, 2018 9:05 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

A fun and rewarding way to start your weekend if you care about helping make it easier to get around in local parks! From Colin, one of your neighbors who have been working on walkability on the trails in the West Duwamish Greenbelt:

Come join us to improve the Puget Park trail this Saturday (June 9th) from 9-noon, followed by a neighborhood BBQ. Community support is needed to continue Puget Park trail improvements. Several neighbors have come together to lead this Puget Ridge family friendly community event with a BBQ to follow. Please stop by and give whatever time you have; every little bit helps – even just swing by to say “thank you.” Our presence and participation at this event demonstrates to Seattle Parks that we care and appreciate improvements they are making to the parks in our neighborhood.

How you can help: Continue trail improvements, mainly constructing a transition in a steep section of the trail and spreading gravel that has already been staged in the area where it needs to be spread.

When: Saturday June 9th, 9am to noon with neighborhood BBQ to follow

Where: Puget Park trailhead at 19th Ave & Dawson SW. Address: 1900 SW Dawson St

Prepare: Wear sturdy shoes and work gloves. Tools provided

Questions? E-mail Colin at

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday watch, including tree trouble on Bonair

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:01 AM: Good morning. One incident to report so far:

That’s Bonair in upper Alki, where a tree/limb has fallen and is blocking the road. Thanks to those who sent photos and tips (206-293-6302 any time)!

8:16 AM: If you use East Marginal Way S., note that it’s currently blocked between 14th Ave. S. (the South Park Bridge) and Ellis, because of a police response.

8:20 AM: The suspect who police were trying to get out of a car after a collision is now reported to be in custody and East Marginal will be reopened, per scanner.

11:04 AM: Caller says city crew is on Bonair now cleaning up the tree trouble.