Just in – the long-awaited city decision on another year at the Myers Way Parcels for West Seattle’s only city-sanctioned encampment:
The Human Services Department (HSD) recommends extending the permit for the Myers Way (also known as Camp Second Chance) permitted village to remain at 9701 Myers Way South for an additional 12 months, until March 2019.
HSD considered the following criteria in making this decision:
Is the program meeting the performance measures as described in the City contract?
Number of unduplicated homeless individuals/families that meet their emergency or immediate shelter needs
Percentage of homeless households who exit to permanent housing
Does the property exhibit physical deterioration that could pose a serious threat to the residents, neighbors or long-term uses?
Are there significant unforeseen impacts on the surrounding community that are directly attributed to the presence of the permitted encampment village?
The HSD contracted site operator, Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI), is required to utilize the Seattle-King County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to collect program level data. Since March 2017, when it received a city permit, 139 people who had been living unsheltered have been served at Camp Second Chance. In addition, the data shows that 26% of people who have left the Camp, exited to move into permanent housing.HSD, in conjunction with other city entities, has determined the property at 9701 Myers Way South is not exhibiting physical deterioration, and the property is safely hosting this village.
Camp Second Chance is operating well at this location and should remain in place for an additional 12-months.
On the city website, the decision explanation above is followed by an FAQ – read it here. The camp first moved onto the city-owned property without authorization in summer 2016 and became sanctioned/funded more than half a year later.