LIGHT RAIL: Sound Transit’s West Seattle ‘neighborhood forum’ tomorrow

May 4, 2018 12:05 pm
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Your next major chance for input on where Sound Transit‘s West Seattle light-rail extension goes is now just hours away. The first “neighborhood forum” for West Seattle is 10 am-12:30 pm Saturday (May 5th) at the Masonic Center (4736 40th SW) and we wanted to remind you about it one more time. This is the final round of feedback in the “Level 1” part of the year-long process moving toward coming up with a “preferred alternative” (route and stations) by this time next year. The format for the forum, according to ST:

*Sign in and check out project maps and background info (10 minutes)

*Watch a brief presentation that covers the project overview and new concepts from early scoping (20 minutes)

*Break out into small groups to discuss neighborhood-specific topics and share your insights (2 hours)

The most recent developments, in case you want a refresher ahead of time:

-Sound Transit reps briefed the Junction Neighborhood Organization a week ago on where things stand (our report includes video of their presentation and attendee Q&A)

-The Stakeholder Advisory Group for the West Seattle/Ballard light-rail extension met two days before that and made some first-level recommendations (above) that the Elected Leadership Group will consider in two weeks (here’s our report)

This is by no means the last chance for community feedback but it’s a crucial point before potential options advance to “Level 2,” and ST emphasizes that it’s particularly interested in “refinements” to what’s on the table, so if you have an opinion, you’ll want to be there. The Masonic Center is at 4736 40th SW.

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