4:34 PM: That’s Emilia Allard. We photographed her at Chief Sealth International High School the night Mayor Jenny Durkan visited for a gun-law-reform Town Hall. She wasn’t an onstage participant that night but will be at centerstage tomorrow in a much-bigger event – as a co-organizer of the Seattle “March For Our Lives.” She is a resident of West Seattle, but you might not have heard that before as she goes to school at Ballard High. She and co-organizer Rhiannon Rasaretnam of Tahoma High School will be front and center leading the pre-march rally at Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill at 10 am tomorrow, then leading the march to Seattle Center. MFOL was sparked by the high-school massacre in Parkland, Florida, and is described in a reminder announcement we received today:
Students from throughout Washington State have worked to create this event as a call-to-action for elected officials to enact common sense gun safety legislation. Specifically they are asking for action on banning assault rifles, banning bump stocks nationally, raising the age for gun purchases from 18 to 21, ensuring school safety without use of firearms and calling on members of Congress and corporations to stop accepting support from or providing support for the NRA.
“We hope that what our fellow students take away from this event is that they have ignited a movement,” said Rhiannon Rasaretnam. “We will no longer wait for adults to act while children are killed every single day in their schools and in their communities. First we march, then we vote, and soon many of us will be ready to run for office to replace those members of congress who are not serving the youth, their constituents or our country.”
The coalition of student organizers continues to fundraise to pay the costs of the march. Donations can be made at: www.gofundme.com/march-for-our-lives-seattle. Any funds collected over the cost of the march will be donated to the Stoneman Douglas Victims Fund and will also be used for future March for Our Lives Seattle activities. On Saturday, march participants can also send a message to Parkland students at the fundraising tent which will be located at Seattle Center. Messages of solidarity will be gathered and shared with Parkland students.
While school shootings make headlines, 46 kids are shot due to gun violence every single day in America, the majority of these, in marginalized communities. March for Our Lives Seattle students recognize and stand in solidarity with organizations that are at the forefront of the issue of gun violence in communities of color.
If you’re going to participate, volunteer publicist Maggie has this to add:
Additionally, the organizing team would like to suggest to people to be mindful of transportation to event, as the viaduct is closed:
*Take public transportation
*Shuttles are available free back from Seattle Center to Cal Anderson
*Light rail has a stop right at Cal Anderson
*If you take Uber or Lyft, please be dropped off a few blocks from Cal Anderson to avoid adding to traffic
And if you’re participating, send a photo – editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you.
6:17 PM: Via e-mail, we’re told that a West Seattleite meet-up spot is being organized pre-march “at the playground area (SE corner) of Cal Anderson Park.”