CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Ryan Cox pleads not guilty

After Gatewood stabbing suspect Ryan Cox refused to appear in court for arraignment this past Monday and Wednesday, King County Superior Court Judge Sean O’Donnell signed an order this morning authorizing deputies to use “reasonable force … if necessary” to make him appear. We don’t know whether force was required – morning crash coverage kept us from getting to the downtown courthouse this time – but we do know, from online documents, that Cox did appear. He pleaded not guilty to the charge of second-degree assault filed against him, and his next hearing, for case-setting, was scheduled for September 7th. He remains jailed in lieu of $150,000 bail.

9 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Ryan Cox pleads not guilty"

  • burglarbustingdad August 31, 2017 (3:28 pm)

    I was a guardian to a schizophrenia patient.   He was not treated well in our criminal justice system.  King County later created the Mental Health Court.  Is  Ryan Cox in the Mental Health Court system?

    • WSB August 31, 2017 (4:24 pm)

      Not currently. As we noted in our background report on his past, published shortly after this arrest, he has been in the city Mental Health Court system before – but that was in conjunction with misdemeanors – this is a felony case. So far, the issue of competency hasn’t been formally brought up, either, at least not in any of the case documentation. – TR

  • Swede. August 31, 2017 (3:47 pm)

    ‘Not guilty’ is the norm, let the system work and prove guilt etc. But what happens when a defendant pleads guilty (without a premade deal/bargain) ? 

    • Peter August 31, 2017 (6:41 pm)

      Never happens. 

  • wscommuter August 31, 2017 (4:26 pm)

    No one pleads guilty at arraignment – it would be an extraordinarily rare event. 

    In theory, if someone did plead guilty at that stage, whatever crime they pled guilty to would be sentenced according to the Sentencing Guidelines established by the legislature, which the judge applies at the sentencing hearing.  This is true of any person convicted of any felony, whether by pleading guilty, or by being convicted at trial. 

    • Swede. August 31, 2017 (5:24 pm)


      Interesting and good info. 

  • The truth August 31, 2017 (4:31 pm)

    Any word in how Court is doing?  Haven’t heard any updates and would love to know how he is recovering.

    • WSB August 31, 2017 (4:50 pm)

      Hope someone reading this knows. The friend who had organized the fundraiser shortly after the attack closed it out after just a few days, saying that the family had decided they wanted privacy.

    • D September 18, 2017 (10:20 pm)

      Hello- this is Court’s wife.  He is doing better now.  Still has a ways to go.   He had 2 long separate stays in the hospital since the attack.  Thank you for all of the concern and compassion.  It has meant a lot to our entire family.  

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