One week from today – June 28th – is the annual Peace in the Hood basketball tournament presented by North Delridge-headquartered Southwest Youth and Family Services. There’s something extra this year, and it’s not too late to be part of it. Here’s the announcement:
Peace in the Hood is a collaboration with Worksource and our Violence Prevention programs in Seattle and South King County. This year we are pairing the event with a job fair for the youth – over 30 vendors will be there to provide job opportunities, and some are even doing interviews on-site.
Vendors interested in attending can register here:
Registration starts at 2 pm. Tournament starts at 3 pm.
Location: Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center
Tournament Team requirements:
· The following age groups must be in your team and all members of your team must fit the age group: 12-14 or 15-18.
· All teams can be Co-Ed
· Each team is allowed one substitute, but the substitute must fit the age range of your team
· If you are in the age group 15-18 you are allowed but not required to have one adult community partner (Mentor, Case Manager, Outreach Worker, etc)
· Early registration is encouraged due to limited spots, each team must have 1 Team Captain and contact the Registration Coordinator Waz Thay: or 206-937-7680 or visit the Log Cabin Teen Center.
· Day of registration will be on a first come first serve basis.
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