UPDATE: Gunshots or fireworks? Multiple reports

12:01 AM: Police are investigating multiple reports of possible gunshots – or fireworks – in North Delridge. We’ve heard from someone near Delridge/Genesee; via the scanner, dispatchers have told police about calls from areas including the Delridge Library and a few blocks northeast of there. Officers can’t confirm gunfire without finding casings and/or property damage and/or a victim – no word of any of that so far. But they reiterate that they want to hear from anyone who even thinks they heard gunfire, just in case, so if you do, call 911.

SIDE NOTE: The nights ahead are likely to be noisier. Though fireworks are illegal in Seattle, they are still legal in unincorporated King County, which includes White Center, and sales start in those areas at noon tomorrow, though they can’t be set off there legally until the 4th of July.

2:09 AM: We’re now hearing reports of suspected gunshots heard in South Delridge; might be related to an incident in White Center that King County Sheriff’s Office deputies are dealing with near 14th SW/SW 102nd (in which they are reported to have multiple suspects in custody).

19 Replies to "UPDATE: Gunshots or fireworks? Multiple reports"

  • SA June 28, 2017 (12:19 am)

    Definitely fireworks, we could see them from 25th/Brandon. They let off two rounds of large fireworks and have been quiet since.

    • WSB June 28, 2017 (12:24 am)

      Thanks! Some noise in Alki had been declared to be fireworks, but we hadn’t heard anything conclusive on the scanner regarding these, so it’s good to have an eyewitness report.

  • Mike June 28, 2017 (12:42 am)

    Happening near Schmitz.  Some guy yelled at somebody else to go *bleep* themselves.  Ah summer… 

  • Aimee Manuell June 28, 2017 (12:44 am)

    More noise on Alki Ave at 12:31, any reports on this yet? 

    • WSB June 28, 2017 (12:58 am)

      Alki reports have been described on the scanner as fireworks a couple times in the past hour or so.

  • Gorillita June 28, 2017 (6:44 am)

    I realize the police are very busy – especially at this time of year.  But if fireworks are illegal, then find and charge those setting them off.  Perhaps a special detail just for that?  Word travels fast, and if a few people were charged, others might be wary.  But right now, the word is that you don’t have to worry about it as the police can’t/won’t find you if you don’t do it for too long.  There must be neighbors or people driving by who can identify where this is happening and can report it?

  • Heather June 28, 2017 (7:47 am)

    Gorillita, I’m almost positive that they’re being lit and tossed from moving cars in my neighborhood. 

  • AlkiResident13 June 28, 2017 (8:19 am)

    The Alki noise was definitely fireworks. Sounded and looked like they lit off an entire bag of them at once. It was at 61st Ave SW and Admiral. 

  • Gene June 28, 2017 (9:38 am)

    Gorillita- I get it- there’s a law- but think about it for a minute- there are not & probably never will be enough police officers to do this job- special detail or not. First they’d have to find those setting them off & would probably have to even see them being set off. But lets say you see someone setting off fire works- can identify them –call the police- they come- & if they actually can arrest the person/persons- –hmm– what then- they take them to a precinct- then that car- those officers are off the streets – for how long?  I would rather have as many police as possible out & around -& visible – to hopefully act as a deterrent. 

  • JRR June 28, 2017 (9:39 am)

    We’re across the street from unincorporated territory and it feels like the wild west for the entire summer. I wish people would recognize they live in a city.

  • dee kalani June 28, 2017 (9:46 am)

    Definitley heard gun shots right before midnight by Delridge, this was NOT fireworks folks.

  • AJP June 28, 2017 (11:10 am)

    Though fireworks are technically illegal in Seattle, no one is ever charged for using them. Since there are no consequences, you can use any and all fireworks you like. You can gather in public parks, set off round after round of big, expensive, noisy fireworks, leave your trash all over the park, and let your public servants clean it all up the next day. Hooray freedom!

    • WSB June 28, 2017 (11:22 am)

      Not entirely true. There are some fireworks citations. Meantime, rather than public servants cleaning up, from photos we’ve shown over the years, it’s your weary but dedicated neighbors who go to parks and do a lot of cleanup the morning of the 5th, because they don’t want their kids/dogs/whatever getting into the toxic aftermath. We’ve run the photos over the years … TR

      • AJP June 28, 2017 (1:50 pm)

        You’re right, WSB. Chances are slim you’ll receive a citation, but it’s possible. And yes, you can leave all your trash because the nice neighbors and kind citizens around will help clean things up for you. Though usually the public servants still have to come pick up the trash bags. 

  • Morgan Junction Dad June 28, 2017 (1:02 pm)

    Ha – the side note makes it seem like, since fireworks are illegal in Seattle, the only fireworks we have to worry about is from nearby unincorporated King. hahahahahaha yeah…. ha! If only!

  • d June 28, 2017 (3:26 pm)

    Maybe the firefighters should do that detail they seem to have plenty of time it’s not like there’s constantly a fire going on or something

    • KBear June 28, 2017 (4:05 pm)

      Firefighters should issue fireworks citations? Are you kidding? What, driving around the neighborhood in their fire trucks? Dealing with drunk and belligerent pyromaniacs? No, it’s the Police Department’s job and they should do it themselves.

  • Elle Nell June 28, 2017 (10:30 pm)

    So for all the folks who just moved here… please understand that this has been going on forEVER in Seattle! Whilst fireworks are illegal, they are still set off in just about EVERY neighborhood on the 4th…It’s becoming louder and louder every year. My suggestion is to get out of town if you don’t like it and or stay inside… this is what my family does and it saves from the torment of the all night bangs! I grew up here and have to admit, we’d always head to the Rez and get the goods- louder the better. ThAts still going on with a ton of Folks these days too. It won’t change and so unless you enjoy them, you have to make alternative plans… but the police nor fire should or could control ANY of it. We will all be ok.

  • Denise June 29, 2017 (12:11 am)

    If it was only the 4th I could live with it even though it is absolutely crazy with so many going off.  I have a dog that is very sensitive to noise and becomes very upset.  He has to be medicated but still shakes, pants, paces, etc.  Again I could live with it if it was just the 4th but that doesn’t happen.  The problem they are being set off for a week or two before the 4th and then another 2 or 3 weeks after.  I would like to see a more active deterrent starting in June.  No big paperwork for the police but at least note address and contact person so the repeat offenders could be cited, fined, or even jailed.  I am tired that it is allowed to continue when it is illegal.  

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