(WSB WS5K file photo)
Kick off summer by running/walking the West Seattle 5K along Alki, from Statue of Liberty Plaza to Anchor Park and back on Sunday, May 21st. If you’re not already registered, here’s an incentive to do it right now – through tomorrow (May 3rd), use the (updated) code MAYDAY5 and you’ll save $5 off the registration fee. 100 percent of what you pay, by the way, goes directly to support educational programs at West Seattle High School. Top three male and female finishers win a prize from West Seattle Runner, Salty’s on Alki, or Coastal Surf Boutique. Sign up at WestSeattle5K.com.
(WSB has co-sponsored the WS5K every year since it began in 2009. WS Runner and Salty’s are WSB sponsors.)