The photo is from a trip to the State Capitol today by staffers and board members of West Seattle Helpline, as the State Senate unanimously passed a resolution, SR 8615, in honor of its work supporting local families by providing emergency services and preventing homelessness. At center of the photo is 34th District State Senator Sharon Nelson, who praised WS Helpline in a speech on the Senate floor, acknowledging its staff and several board members staff of the West Seattle Helpline (Chris Langeler, Theresa Sundin, Layla Al-Jamal Judkins, Joan O’Brien) and several members of the board (Nick Naubert, Tracey Byrne, Rev. Ron Marshall, Mike Entzminger). Senator Nelson’s office organized a clothing drive among legislators and staff members and had a carload of donated clothing for WS Helpline’s newly expanded Clothesline. Here’s our coverage of last weekend’s Clothesline open house – here’s one of the rooms that’s ready to go, a dignified and easy-to-use space for the people in need of the donated clothing:
You can still donate here to help the Helpline get every room in the new space in shape.