Students’ art, making a mark: Show at Chief Sealth International High School

(Artist: LB)

In case you didn’t make it to Chief Sealth International High School for tonight’s art show – featured in our morning calendar preview – here’s a look at some of what you missed. Visual-art teacher Carolyn Autenrieth explained the show in her invitation to the community:

IB Visual Art Show – INdepenDENT

How does the visual expression of ideas make a mark or ‘indent’ on those around us?

This show features mini exhibits by Seniors and Juniors in the IB Art program. The 4 solo Senior exhibits showcase a self-curated exhibition of work over the 2-year course. Four small group exhibits highlight the work by juniors and seniors from this year. Each group is curated and presented to showcase the theme or intention of the art.

(Artist: Evelyn Morales)

(Artist: Leah Ward)

(Artist: Solommon Yohannes)

Of the 21 student artists whose work was shown tonight, 17 were there, so we got a group photo:

Teacher Autenrieth said she really appreciated the support for her artists from others in the school community – for example, Evelyn needed a door for her project, and five teachers offered one.

2 Replies to "Students' art, making a mark: Show at Chief Sealth International High School"

  • Gill March 29, 2017 (11:48 am)

    Thank you for sharing.  Go Chief Sealth International High School!

  • MM March 29, 2017 (5:37 pm)

    Love to see the amazing work and creativity of our local youth! Way to go CSIHS!

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