That video produced by Seattle Public Schools features Mike Popelka, who’s been teaching at Roxhill Elementary in West Seattle for seven years. He’s being spotlighted on the district website right now for receiving a prestigious Fulbright Award, which will take him to The Netherlands:
… Popelka recently accepted a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching grant. The longtime kindergarten teacher is one of only 45 U.S. citizens who will travel abroad this year through Fulbright’s teaching program.
While in The Netherlands, Popelka will study the Dutch educational system – specifically how the system supports minority and immigrant students. Later, he plans to translate his study into practice both at Roxhill and across the district. His goal is to help find a way to help eliminate opportunity gaps for his students and all students.
Popelka officially received the award in June. See the full SPS writeup about it here.