WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: No holiday for thieves

Thanksgiving was just another work day for thieves, per the reader reports in the WSB inbox today:

STOLEN CAR: From Julie:

Our green 1998 Honda Civic 4 door sedan was stolen from in front of our house in the 3400 block of 41st Ave SW sometime overnight last night after the rain stopped. The pavement was dry where it had been parked. The car has a yellow “War is Terrorism” bumper sticker on the rear bumper and the car body paint is somewhat mottled. The officer who came to take our report said that the car thieves were busy last night. Our police incident number is 16-425153.

STOLEN BICYCLE: From Merrilee:

I wanted to report that my bike was stolen out of our garage last night (Delridge and Genesee). It’s a red and black Giant road bike.

If seen, we can be reached at 425-442-2485 or 206-661-3395.

CAR PROWL: “Our car was rifled through last night. 47th near Erskine. I think I left the doors unlocked. Sunglasses gone, some change and car-wash coins.”

And two pre-Thanksgiving reports:

SHOPLIFTER: Dave at Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor) wants to make sure other merchants are on the lookout for this person caught on camera in a shoplifted jacket:

He says, “This dude is always around The Junction looking very suspicious in many of our stores. He lifted this jacket from us.”

STOLEN FROM WHILE MOVING: From Leah, who says this happened Sunday night:

I moved from the Admiral area to the Fauntleroy area recently. While our truck was parked by our building while we carried things in (door closed), an antique toy chest and a box of books were stolen. All was pretty sentimental and really not worth all that much to anyone but us 😞 But I digress; please watch your trucks closely and lock every time you take a trip up if you are moving in or out.

We hope crime doesn’t happen to you; if it does, report it to police – 911 if happening now or just happened – and please let us know later so your neighbors all around West Seattle will be alerted too.

19 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: No holiday for thieves"

  • Rick November 25, 2016 (2:17 pm)

    Dude looks like Andy Dick. Is he even still alive?

  • Julie Howell November 25, 2016 (3:33 pm)

    Good news about our stolen car, we found it just up a block and around the corner on SW Hinds.  Whoever took it pulled everything out of the glove box, the compartment between the seats, and the back seat pocket, and left it all strewn about.  Apparently they didn’t want sunglasses, hand lotion, pencils, or  a cell phone charger.  They did leave something jimmied in the ignition so we can only get our key halfway in.  As creepy as it feels to have our car taken and gone through, we are greatly relieved to have it back with the ignition seeming to be the only thing in need of repair.


    • WSB November 25, 2016 (3:51 pm)

      Thanks for the update!

  • Driver November 25, 2016 (4:13 pm)

    There are a lot of people who steal every day. Safeway has regulars and they try to keep them off of the property. Emerald Anglers is just another business catching on to this and it’s great they are getting the word out but what can be done to get rid of these low level crimes (criminals) that are hurting business and ultimately consumers. Whack a mole is the current situation. It wont get better any time soon. 

  • bolo November 25, 2016 (4:32 pm)

    I saw that guy entering the Junction QFC this afternoon, 1:20pm.

  • tired November 25, 2016 (6:44 pm)

    @Bolo…with his new jacket on? 

    • bolo November 26, 2016 (10:12 am)

      No, but with the same glasses & earbuds.

  • Mark November 26, 2016 (12:20 am)

    It’s frustrating we all pay higher prices at stores do to thieves that is not fair.  The criminals need to be made to accountable, restitution via mandatory work such as being required to pick up litter for example.  For each theft 100 lbs of trash to be picked up!

  • Jennie November 26, 2016 (9:10 am)

    You should hang that photo of him ‘caught-in-the-act’ up in your shop so that the next time he comes in he will see it.

  • Mark November 26, 2016 (11:54 am)

    What is immoral is the failed criminal justice system.  Making criminals think twice via ensuring adverse effect to illegal acts is needed, what is immoral about hard labor?  If the criminals know that punishment involves lock up and hard labor just maybe they would think twice about stealing someone stuff with the knowledge of knowing if they get caught they will be forced to work hard to pay back restitution.  Litter pick up at say $5 hour until they earn enough to pay restitution for example.

  • Westside45 November 26, 2016 (3:41 pm)

    The prison system in Louisiana still had chain gangs as of 15 years ago. 

  • Andy November 27, 2016 (8:47 am)

    The politicians in Seattle City government and Olympia have to have their feet held to the fire by the voters. We should all contact them and demand that they strengthen laws to address what is becoming rampant car thievery and home burglaries. 

    • Sue Murray November 30, 2016 (5:31 pm)

      Unfortunately it is hard to even get through to the police to get a report taken on stolen property.  We had our boat motor stolen on Thanksgiving and still have not been able to file the report.  They need to up the limit for filing online which is now at $500.  Our loss was $3500.

      Also just so all of you know they will not prosecute any theft unless it is over $50,000.  The criminals know there will be no penalty for their actions.  In fact in Seattle crime really does pay!!  Instead of hiring more police, our Mayor and City Council are worried about speed limits and road diets.

  • Trouble November 29, 2016 (9:40 pm)

    Just saw our Shoplifter at Rite Aid on California ave .  He was with a girl cruising the isles but didn’t buy anything the store. 

    • BKRDT November 30, 2016 (10:18 am)

      I saw him there too! I alerted the clerk at the checkout counter and then I actually called police to notify them. Apparently they were busy dealing with fights and other more pressing matters last night. I would have thought that guy looked up to no good even if I hadn’t already seen his face on the WSB as a known shoplifter. 

  • Mardi November 30, 2016 (10:32 pm)

    He also resembles the guy that swings the sign on the corner by Zaw. 

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