month : 11/2016 318 results

‘Awesome Avery’ Berg to raise 12th Man flag near CenturyLink on Monday

The Seahawks are on Monday Night Football this week, and on Monday morning, a West Seattle superfan will be raising a 12th Man flag on TV:

That’s the video made with 11-year-old “Awesome Avery” Berg and her fellow students at Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor). KING 5 called for nominees to raise a 12th Man Flag at their broadcast location at Stadium Place, just outside CenturyLink Field, and dozens of supporters made the case for Avery. We brought you her story back in September, as she started middle school shortly after being diagnosed with a rare brain cancer called AT/RT. Barbara Travers told us this afternoon about Avery’s upcoming flag-raising – she will be interviewed between 8:30 and 9 am on KING’s morning news, and then will raise their 12th Man flag at the end of the broadcast.

P.S. Avery’s mom has continued to post updates online; most recently, Avery finished radiation treatments, and will soon be undergoing chemotherapy.

From White Center Now: Shelter update, Steve Cox Park field changes discussed @ NHUAC

November 4, 2016 1:16 pm
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If you don’t regularly check our partner site White Center Now (whose stories are also accessible via the WC link on the navigation bar/menu atop WSB), two items from last night’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting might be of interest. One, an update on the proposed 8th/108th homeless shelter, from the King County department head accountable for the project; the other, a plan to up the usability of the non-stadium athletic fields at Steve Cox Memorial Park. Details on both are part of this story on WCN.

WEST SEATTLE DEER: New sightings as it heads westbound


10:12 AM: The West Seattle Deer – apparently also formerly the Union Bay and Beacon Hill deer – has resurfaced, and it’s on the move. Last sighting reports were on Monday near the north end of Longfellow Creek (here’s our Tuesday followup), and now we’re getting reports and photos from the Fairmount area. The photo above is from Robert Seely near 36th and Dawson; we also got calls about Fauntleroy and Hudson; and Neal Brandt sent this photo from California and Hudson:


(added) Michael Lockman from WEdesign (WSB sponsor), whose truck is in the photo above from the Rite-Aid parking lot, sent a photo too:


(added) Here’s a short video clip sent by Christine after seeing it near 36th/Brandon:

PLEASE be careful if you are going to be on the road. As for what to do if you see it – Seattle Animal Shelter deals with injured wildlife but if it’s not in distress, acting director Ann Graves told us Tuesday, it could be more traumatizing to the deer to try to capture it, than to let it be. The first reported West Seattle sighting was Monday on Pigeon Point; while deer are abundant elsewhere, even right across the Sound on Vashon Island, sightings in Seattle city limits are rare.

10:53 AM: The deer is continuing to make tracks west. Commenter Cinemama saw it at 44th/Juneau; Sue Lindblom of Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) e-mailed us to report seeing it at 48th/Juneau.

11:25 AM: Now the deer is heading south – caller to our 24/7 hotline (206-293-6302) has a backyard sighting near 49th and Raymond.

2:15 PM: A few more sightings – Seaview at 11:45 am (added below: photo from Angela, 50th & Graham):


And more recently, 5200 block of Beach Drive, then up into the greenbelt, per a caller.


2:58 PM: That photo is from Vanessa – Beach Drive “south of La Rustica.”

What’s up for the rest of your West Seattle Friday

November 4, 2016 10:01 am
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(Photo by Kate Baigrie, looking at West Seattle from the Smith Tower this morning)

Happy Friday! Here’s just some of what’s happening today/tonight. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

PROVIDENCE MOUNT ST. VINCENT HOLIDAY BAZAAR: It’s getting more holidayish day by day, and today that’s because it’s the first day of the holiday bazaar and bake sale at The Mount, continuing until 4 pm and then again Saturday 9 am-4 pm. Lots of details in our calendar listing. (4831 35th SW)

WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: 5 pm, Conrad Wesselhoeft is this month’s featured writer at Barnes & Noble in Westwood Village, talking about and reading from his young-adult novel “Dirt Bikes, Drones and Other Ways to Fly.” (2800 SW Barton)

CORNER BAR: Highland Park Improvement Club‘s popular monthly Corner Bar starts at 6 tonight; featured musicians this month, Rippin’ Chicken. (12th SW/SW Holden)

HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: 7 pm, Chief Sealth International High School takes on Cleveland at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle) … Also at 7, West Seattle High School is on the road at Lincoln, in Tacoma.

FINAL NIGHT FOR WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL PLAY: 7:30 pm at the West Seattle High School Theater, it’s your last chance to see “A Bright Room Called Day.” Details including ticket info are on the Westside Drama website. (3000 California SW)

BLUES AND BOOGIE WOOGIE: 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hall, Arthur Migliazza is back with guest artist Bob Malone – details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)

NIGHTLIFE AND MORE: Live music and more – all on our complete calendar!

Mayor visits Chief Sealth International High School to celebrate Neighborhood Street Fund grant


Turns out Mayor Ed Murray made a second stop in West Seattle on Thursday. The report and photo are from David Perrine:

Mayor Ed Murray came to the Chief Sealth International High School neighborhood to award a Neighborhood Street Fund grant for pedestrian corridor improvements. The two designated corridors, located between the Sealth/Denny schools area and Westwood Village, will turn the current rough trails into safe improved walkways for the benefit of students and the general public. The mayor first became aware of the issue during his “Find It Fix It” Walk last July. and with engineering plans in hand pledged $466,000 for the project, which will be completed in 2018.

The mayor met with a delegation of Chief Sealth students in the Academy of Finance program, their program teacher and director Gary Perkins, and vice principal Clint Sallee, with other community stakeholders.

Kristin Arvidson and Lynn Ogdon-Perrine, Sealth PTSA officers, accepted the check on behalf of their group and others.

Also, a huge shout out to Eric Iwamoto, parent of a former Chief Sealth student, for spearheading the proposal for safer pathways for students of Sealth.

Iwamoto, co-chair of the Southwest District Council and the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council, pursued the funding through the Neighborhood Street Fund process, and a citywide advisory group chose it as one of two West Seattle projects the city will fund, along with Harbor/Avalon/Manning improvements, as first reported here two weeks ago. Details of the Sealth-vicinity project are here.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: November’s first Friday

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

7:06 AM: No incidents in/from West Seattle. But if you head south from here toward Tacoma or beyond, be aware that SB I-5 is closed in Fife because of a fatal incident.

Other notes:

ADMIRAL WAY STRIPING: As mentioned yesterday morning, the dry weather brought SDOT back to the west end of the Admiral Way Safety Project to finish striping. We went through around 4 pm and the work did not appear close to being done, so we would expect crews to be back today.

SPOKANE STREET CLOSURE CANCELED: This weekend’s plan to close Spokane Street in the Harbor Island vicinity for the ongoing paving project is canceled.

WESTBOUND I-90 CLOSURE THIS WEEKEND: East of Seattle, westbound I-90 will be detoured onto the express lanes for work all weekend, per WSDOT.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS: 2 am Sunday, we “fall back” an hour to 1 am.

7:22 AM: WSP has reopened two lanes at the aforementioned incident in Fife; still a big backup, to the King County line. Back here in the Seattle area, still nothing major.

CRIME WATCH: Stolen car found, full of somebody else’s stuff, + 3 reader reports

We start tonight’s Crime Watch with a followup to a recently reported vehicle theft. The vehicle’s been found – and its owner finds himself with items he would like to return to THEIR owners:

That’s one of the photos Dan Austin (proprietor of WSB sponsor Peel & Press in Morgan Junction) sent tonight with this followup to his vehicle theft reported here last Friday:

My car was recovered in Des Moines this afternoon. It has body damage, possible engine damage and multiple items were smoked in there (I can tell from the implements left in there). They had two suspects in the vehicle but will not charge them because they claimed they borrowed the vehicle from a friend and didn’t know it was stolen. One had a warrant so they got arrested the other totally walked. Here is the weird thing, I have stolen mail and property in the car but the police wouldn’t take it. They said it was mine to deal with. I find this insane!!!

I have a stolen bike and several pairs of glasses, electronics, stolen mail from all over and gym bags. What am I going to do with these??? I refuse to toss them because, as someone who just had my car stolen, I want to help people get their things back! I have a few photos of the bags and the bike tossed in the car. … The bike was spray painted to hide its identity (spray paint was in the car as well).

Recognize anything? Comment here and/or contact us. Could have been stolen anywhere, as thieves don’t necessarily stick within jurisdictions. By the way, he says it was Kent Police who found his car and told him the stuff was his to deal with (not Des Moines PD which is served by the King County Sheriff’s Office).

Meantime, three other reader reports:

5TH CAR PROWL IN 3 MONTHS: From Laura in Seaview: “Just wanted to report that my locked minivan was prowled for the fifth time since August. We live at 46th and Juneau. This last time, both side sliding doors were left open. They took nothing, as there is nothing valuable in there, but it’s sure a violating and frustrating experience.”

AND ANOTHER CAR PROWL:Sarah in Fairmount Springs says prowler(s) hit her neighbor’s car, apparently accidentally left unlocked:

My neighbor’s car was broken into … issing along with her new Seahawks jersey. She called her husband and he mentioned seeing a dark car in the alley when he was leaving (Wednesday) morning. The car was parked alongside the fence in the alley; he stopped to get a closer look and the car peeled out and sped away. I left shortly after at 6:15 am and didn’t see anything. We live (in the 6000 block of) Fauntleroy Way SW; our entry to our apartment is in the alley. Our parking is also in the alley. I’m not sure if there were other reports of theft in the area but wanted other readers to be on the lookout and remember to lock your cars and take valuables out.

HIT-AND-RUN: From Jill: “My car was completely sideswiped while parked at Cloverdale and Delridge Way SW. Based on the paint left behind, it was a yellow vehicle with no witnesses. If a message could go out to look for a yellow vehicle with extensive side damage and likely blue paint scratches on the car, that would be greatly appreciated.”

WEST SEATTLE FLUSH: New technology to be tested in 2 neighborhoods next week

(Seattle Public Utilities photo)

The West Seattle Flush goes on – with a new twist. 7 months after Seattle Public Utilities announced it would start flushing local water mains to clear the sediment that resulted in brown-water problems in a variety of circumstances, they’re about to deploy new technology.

Next week (Nov 7 -11) SPU will be in two West Seattle neighborhoods testing a new water main flushing technology that eliminates the need to discharge thousands of gallons of water into storm drains.

The new method consists of a utility trailer (photo above) with a filtering system. Connections between the trailer and water main are made with large diameter hoses attached to fire hydrants. Water used to flush the water main is circulated through the filtering system and returned back into the water main.

The attached two map show the two areas where we’ll be flushing water mains and using this new method. I’ve also enclosed the public notice sent to Arbor Heights residents, where we’ll be flushing at the end of the week (Nov 9 -11).

You can read that notice here.

FOLLOWUP: $50,000 bail for driver in West Marginal Way crash


6:03 PM: A judge set bail at $50,000 today for the 19-year-old driver arrested after Tuesday night’s crash on West Marginal Way SW. He is under investigation for vehicular assault, suspected of being under the influence when his Audi (at right, above) hit another car and both crashed on the west side of the roadway. The probable-cause documents from this afternoon’s hearing clarify some of what happened. They say the seriously injured person who firefighters had to cut out of a vehicle was the suspect’s passenger in the Audi, not in the other car (whose driver also was hurt).


The documents say the suspect, a Top Hat resident, told police he was headed northbound and speeding – up to 55 mph, he said, in a 40-mph zone – when he lost control and veered into the opposite lanes, hitting the other car, which was headed southbound. The DUI squad officer who wrote the report said he detected the smell of alcohol and marijuana on the driver’s breath, and that the driver said he had had “a shot” and “a joint” earlier. He refused to take a breath test, so police obtained a search warrant to get a blood sample at the hospital. The driver was treated at and released from Harborview before being booked into jail less than seven hours after the crash. He’s due back in court tomorrow, when we’ll find out about charges.

1:53 AM: The suspect is out of jail after posting bond.

HAPPENING NOW: ‘Free food!’ @ West Seattle Thriftway’s Holiday Taste


Approaching the south entrance of West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) right now, the tent and the sunshine might transport you back to summer … but no, this isn’t another benefit barbecue. The tent is where you can sample raclette, as part of Thriftway’s Holiday Taste event, on until 7 pm. “Free food!” as one store staffer explained to visitors. You’ll find the rest of it happening indoors:


Around the store, at tables set up in areas from the deli zone to the produce section, you can try everything from bread to fruit to vegetables to turkey and stuffing:


Lots of friendly folks serving the samples, all meant to inspire you with just three weeks to go until Thanksgiving

VIDEO: Sound Transit 3 supporters make a West Seattle-specific pitch

West Seattle hasn’t seen much bigtime campaigning this election season, but that changed today, as three elected officials headlined a media briefing today at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, making West Seattle-specific pitches for approval of Sound Transit 3. (Our video shows the entire 12-minute event.)


Mayor Ed Murray, City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, and State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon all repeated the point that our region shouldn’t repeat the mistake it made 40+ years ago by rejecting measures that would have led to a major transit system. Herbold noted that while some in West Seattle are unhappy that ST3 won’t bring light rail to West Seattle until 2030 (here’s our coverage of the June vote finalizing the measure) – three years earlier than the first draft of the measure projected – it does include other improvements in the meantime, including more RapidRide bus service. Fitzgibbon said that while everyone wishes light rail could get here before 2030, if ST3 is defeated, any future replacement proposal won’t get it here any sooner. Supporters also have been warning that a downsized measure might not include West Seattle at all. We asked the campaign manager Abigail Doerr afterward why they’re saying that; she says the West Seattle line is projected to have less ridership than Ballard, so if one had to go, it would likely be us (the final say, of course, would be up to the Sound Transit board).


The only other person to speak at the news conference was David Bestock (above), who manages Youngstown, saying he’s excited about making West Seattle more accessible via light rail, and about its affordable-housing component. And Mayor Murray – after mentioning his West Seattle roots – said that light rail has been a “lifechanging experience” for his current neighborhood, Capitol Hill.

You can read the full text of the measure, plus pro/con/explanatory statements, on this page of the King County Elections website – assuming you haven’t voted already. Doerr told us many have, citing new stats showing at least a third of Seattle voters already have turned in their ballots.

YOU CAN HELP: Luna Park-area community cleanup Saturday

November 3, 2016 2:58 pm
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Reminder from Roxane in the Luna Park area:

Our neighborhood, along with Luna Park Merchants and the Seattle reLeaf Tree Ambassador team, will be holding a work party to continue the clean up of the Avalon/ Harbor at Manning area on Saturday, November 5th, from 9 am until noon.

This is the second in a series of work parties to ready the site for the Neighborhood Street and Park fund grant work that will commence in February 2017 AND provide a green buffer for neighboring homes and businesses. Meet at the parking area of Luna Park Café. Help us remove aggressive weeds, care for the mature trees, and improve sightlines for pedestrians and traffic. We’ll provide tools, gloves, and instruction. No experience necessary.


Rain or shine!

VIDEO: Highway 99 tunneling machine passes 1-mile mark

November 3, 2016 1:30 pm
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The Highway 99 tunneling machine has passed the one-mile mark as of this morning, according to WSDOT. It’s also made a new video showing how the machine is steered along its designated path underground, considering there’s no GPS:

The machine is at its deepest point – around 200 feet underground – with just under 4,000 feet remaining on the route, which is shown on this map, along with the machine’s approximate current location. The most recent timeline says that absent any further major problems, the tunnel will open in 2019.

FOLLOWUP: Hearing date set for tree-vs.-house appeal

(June WSB photo of Ponderosa Pine at 3038 39th SW)

Two weeks after two appeals were filed against the granting of a permit to build a house at 3038 39th SW that would take out a Ponderosa pine deemed an “exceptional tree,” the hearing date is set. January 12th is when the city Hearing Examiner will hear arguments in the consolidated case, according to a notice in today’s Land Use Information Bulletin. The tree is in what was considered to be the side yard of the house next door, neighbors say, until that house was sold and the buyer got a city opinion that the “side yard” was a separate lot on which a house could be built. We first wrote about the tree tussle back in June. The appeal hearing is scheduled for 9 am January 12th at the Hearing Examiner’s chambers on the 40th floor of the Municipal Tower downtown (700 5th Ave.), and is open to the public for observation. You can see the case documents here.

West Seattle art: Sculpture installation @ Junction Plaza Park

(WSB photo)

10:57 AM: You’ll see something new at Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska) next time you go by: The 20-foot-tall kinetic sculpture that’s been in the works for a while. We last reported on the plan when concepts were shown at a Junction open-house event during last February’s West Seattle Art Walk; now, local artist Troy Pillow has completed the work, and it’s being installed this morning. It’s funded by public-benefit money from local development as well as a city grant. Update later, after it’s fully installed!

ADDED: By the time we got back in late afternoon, the base was already in shadow, but you can see the top of the sculpture:


4 options for your West Seattle Thursday

(Another beautiful Anna’s Hummingbird, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Four highlights from what’s up for the rest of today/tonight, via the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox:

THRIFTWAY HOLIDAY TASTE: 4-7 pm, West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) invites you to come sample appetizer, main course, side-dish, and dessert possibilities as you start thinking about your holiday-season celebrations – Thanksgiving, for starters, is only three weeks from today! (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)

WEST SEATTLE MONTESSORI SCHOOL & ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE: Looking for school(s) for next year? Thursday night brings a chance to find out more about West Seattle Montessori School and Academy (WSB sponsor). From 6 to 7:30 pm, the open house “gives parents and prospective families a chance to meet our staff, teachers and tour the facilities. You’ll be able to view samples of student work and pick up application materials. Our teachers and staff are available during and after the Open House to answer questions.” (11215 15th SW)

9030 35TH SW DESIGN REVIEW: 6:30 pm at the Sisson Building/Senior Center, the Southwest Design Review Board looks at this proposed mixed-use building with 40 apartments and ground-floor retail. The design packet is linked in our preview; the meeting includes a public-comment period. (4217 SW Oregon)

WHITE CENTER SHELTER UPDATE @ NHUAC MEETING If you are interested in the proposal to open a shelter at the former King County Public Health building at 8th SW/SW 108th, which we’ve continued to follow via our White Center site,, tonight county department head Adrienne Quinn is scheduled to speak at the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting, which is tackling other topics too. All welcome, 7 pm, NH Fire District headquarters. (1243 SW 112th)


Metro likely going ahead with removing 2 Junction shelters, Southwest District Council told

From last night’s Southwest District Council meeting:

A Metro planner told the SWDC that they’re likely to go ahead with removing two bus shelters in The Junction as part of a “problem-solving plan” to deter loitering.

(WSB photo, October 27th)

While Metro is taking comments for two more weeks, so far few have come in, and more are in support than against, planner Dale Cummings said at the meeting. Read More

Seen off West Seattle: USS Nimitz


Thanks to the texter who sent that photo a few minutes ago. It’s the USS Nimitz, headed back to Bremerton after leaving October 5th for sea trials and flight certification following a quarter-billion dollars of work at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. The Navy announced last December that even after that work, the Nimitz will remain homeported in Bremerton at least three more years.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday alerts and updates

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

6:57 AM: One problem so far today, and it’s inbound instead of outbound – a crash is blocking all lanes in the SOUTHBOUND Battery Street Tunnel.

Now that it’s Thursday, weekend notes:

WESTBOUND I-90 LANE CLOSURE: Between Seattle and Bellevue, all weekend, westbound I-90 traffic will be shifted to the express lanes.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS: At 2 am Sunday (November 6th), we “fall back” to 1 am.

7:04 AM: The southbound Battery St. Tunnel crash has cleared, WSDOT says.

8:36 AM: JayDee reports that SDOT is back painting on Admiral Way today – some striping remained to be done toward the west end of the rechannelization project, in the Alki area.

BIZNOTES: Raccolto soft-opens Thursday; 3 more food/drink notes; and 8 businesses’ 2-ton achievement

First, four food/drink biznotes:

RACCOLTO SOFT-OPENS THURSDAY: The new Italian restaurant on the north edge of The Junction (4147 California SW) has announced it will soft-open at 5 pm Thursday. We last spoke with proprietor Chef Brian Clevenger, a West Seattleite, in August – here’s what his restaurant will be all about.

SOPRANOS ANTICO: Thanks to Dave for sending this photo taken through the window of the forthcoming Italian restaurant in Admiral:

Here’s our most recent report on Sopranos Antico, coming to the former Zatz Bagels space at 2348 California SW.

WELCOME ROAD WINERY: Thanks to the tipsters who have pointed out that this winery is opening a tasting room at Rally (California/Charlestown). We note they have announced their grand opening, 1-7 pm Saturday, November 19th.

HARRY’S CHICKEN CHANGE: Harry’s Chicken Joint proprietor Bruce Cougan tells WSB they are now closed Tuesdays too, so the hours at Harry’s (6032 California SW) are 4-8 pm Wednesdays through Saturdays.

And one big achievement for eight “rival” businesses, working together:

EIGHT BUSINESSES, TWO-PLUS TONS OF FOOD: Once again this year, physical-therapy businesses around West Seattle teamed up in October for a friendly food-drive competition. Today, we got the results from Judi Yazzolino of the West Seattle Food Bank:

Drum roll, please!! Again this year, congratulations go out to Louise, Molly, and the entire staff & clients at Life in Balance PT & Pilates for winning the challenge again this year with a total of 1943 lbs. It was neck n’ neck between them and Biojunction Sports Therapy until the last pickup yesterday. You guys played serious! Thank you to all of the offices and their clients who participated this year for a total of approx. 4220 lbs. of food (SW Hand Therapy isn’t in yet) and $150. That is over 3 1/2 times last year! You guys ROCK, and we and our clients are incredibly appreciative. Thank you so much. Here are the individual totals:

Life in Balance – 1943 lbs.
Biojunction – 1366 lbs.
Sound PT – 358 lbs.
Highline PT – 186 lbs. + $100
West Seattle Pediatric Therapy – 159 lbs.
Therapeutic Assoc. WS – 118 lbs.
Kinetics PT – 90 lbs.
SW Hand Therapy – TBA

P.S. If your business has a food drive or other donation drive this holiday season, please let us know!

Meet West Seattle’s next centenarian, Russell Lundwall

By Linda Ball
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Longtime West Seattle resident Russell Lundwall is about to celebrate a milestone birthday: 100 years old on Friday (November 4th).

Hestill lives in the Westwood-area home he built and lived in with his wife Margaret until her death in 2004, 58 years after they married.

The West Seattle lot they purchased was the last one in the subdivision. You might have thought they would settle in Ballard, with Scandinavian roots – Russ’s mother Alice was of Norwegian descent, and his father John, Swedish. But Margaret’s sister and her husband lived in West Seattle, and the Lundwalls came to visit often.

Russell Lundwall says his mother, meantime, born in 1872, “was way ahead of her time†– he says she “went to high school when women didn’t do that.†She and her first husband and daughter, Lundwall’s half-sister, moved to Minnesota, and after doing something else rare – getting divorced – she stayed there and ran a boarding house for married men working in the mines. In Minnesota, she met John Lundwall, who worked in law enforcement, and together they had Russell.

“I went to the fanciest schools from kindergarten to (the first) two years of college,†Lundwall said. Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Warrant suspect arrested

(WSB photo)

5:56 PM: If you saw the big police response outside the Westwood Village McDonald’s around 5:15 pm – here’s what it was about: Officers spotted someone they knew had a warrant out for his arrest, related to an armed-robbery case, called for backup, moved in, and arrested him. We don’t have name/case information yet but will be watching the jail register.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON: Online records show the suspect arrested is 20-year-old Christian Demuth-Hebert. He also was cited for resisting arrest and obstructing police. He is jailed in lieu of $101,000 bail – the $100,000 is for the robbery warrant, which we traced to a case involving shoplifting turned violent at a store in Bellevue, which is also the city listed for his most recent residence. We haven’t found any West Seattle ties so far. The charging documents in that case say his record stretches back to at least 14: “Assault Third Degree and Theft Third Degree (2016, reduced from Robbery 2); Theft Third Degree (2015, reduced from Robbery 2); Vehicle Prowl 2 (2015); Theft Third Degree (2014), Escape Third Degree (2011) and Criminal Trespass (2011, 2010).”

West Seattle salmon: Longfellow Creek sighting


The photo is just in from John, who says, “Although it is hard to see them in the murky water, the salmon have returned to Longfellow Creek! Just thought you should share the good news.”

John reports seeing them under the fishbone bridge, which is near Dragonfly Pavilion. This gives us another chance to remind you that you are invited to meet Puget Soundkeeper volunteers there on Saturday and join them for a creekside walk in search of salmon, dead or alive – details here.