Harbor/Avalon/Spokane/Manning improvements win citywide Neighborhood Street Fund vote

(May 2016 photo contributed by Chris, showing one traffic-choked morning at south section of the project zone)

The final official list isn’t out yet, but West Seattle Bike Connections says its proposal for improvements at Harbor/Avalon/Spokane/Manning topped the list last night when the citywide Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee voted on which proposals should get Neighborhood Street Fund money.

The proposal won top ranking from the Southwest District Council in neighborhood-level voting. Here’s the SDOT document explaining the proposal by WSBC’s Jodi Connolly, and estimating it at $352,000; here’s a WSBC report from February detailing the intersection’s challenges.

WSBC president Don Brubeck summarizes it as “The project will improve driver sight lines, traffic signals, and signage for safety for people crossing Harbor and Avalon on foot and on bikes. It’s a blind corner at the Spokane ramp to Harbor Ave SW for people driving low vehicles. At SW Manning to Avalon Way, the signage is confusing for the little pocket left turn bike lane and right-only vehicle lane.”

He adds – and note that one key change was made after SDOT’s version of it came out – “This grant application had strong community support, including Alki Community Council, Nucor Steel, Luna Park neighbors (who have their own Neighborhood Park & Street Fund project to improve the appearance and commemorate the history of this gateway to West Seattle). Our grant is for safety for people crossing the street on foot and on bikes. The Luna Park businesses has concerns about parking loss at Avalon and Manning by Luna Park Cafe. We discussed that, and modified the request so that no street parking spaces would be lost on Avalon (the SDOT link shows it before that modification). David Whiting, president of Southwest District Council and a founding member of West Seattle Bike Connections, helped us present to the council and obtain their recommendation.”

Following up on Brubeck’s note, we asked SDOT for an official list from last night’s meeting, but spokesperson Norm Mah said that wasn’t available yet: “This list of project recommendations has been transmitted to the Mayor for final approval. SDOT expects project applicants will be notified next week about final funding selections, with an official public release shortly thereafter.” A list tweeted by Seattle Neighborhood Greenways shows the only other West Seattle project to make the citywide top 10 was the “26th SW proposal” for the walking corridor between Chief Sealth International High School and Westwood Village.

9 Replies to "Harbor/Avalon/Spokane/Manning improvements win citywide Neighborhood Street Fund vote"

  • Pops October 21, 2016 (10:11 pm)

    Is it going to be made more clear that (except fo bikes) left turns aren’t permitted from Manning to Avalon? I checked with SDOT about a year ago after people argued here and got the final answer from SDOT.  I guess what we need more than sign clarification is enforcement. Wonder if that will ever happen.

    • Mike October 22, 2016 (7:20 am)

      You mean where there’s an entire lane with a left arrow?  Pretty sure it’s legal.

    • Mike October 22, 2016 (7:24 am)

      If it’s truly only a left for bicyclists, A) that’s really dangerous since vehicles coming South will not see them and run them over.  B) SDOT has failed at keeping that clear with signage.

  • Pops October 21, 2016 (10:15 pm)

    Never mind I see it in the proposal now. How do average Joes get to propose ideas like this? I have 101 ideas that fall on deaf ears when I contact the city.

  • Pops October 21, 2016 (10:27 pm)


  • Neighbor October 22, 2016 (12:49 am)

    Thank you to all the good people that made this happen. As a cyclist, I’ve stayed on the edge of the curb trying to catch drivers’ eye before I enter the street. But no one ever looks right.  I’ve even seen a lot of people start moving right while still looking left. 

  • Suzanne October 22, 2016 (8:31 am)

    With another 14 homes being built, the traffic up and down Manning will only get worse.  

    • Alex October 22, 2016 (5:11 pm)

      The majority of the traffic is line-cutters coming off admiral with the intent of turning left illegally onto Avalon rather than wait in the qeueu for the bridge. 

      I find it it interesting that this issue only gets attention from the city in regards to the impact the line cutters have on bicycle safety, nobody cares about the car traffic or fairness of the line cutting impact.  Not really surprising though.

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