We start tonight’s Crime Watch with a followup to a recently reported vehicle theft. The vehicle’s been found – and its owner finds himself with items he would like to return to THEIR owners:

That’s one of the photos Dan Austin (proprietor of WSB sponsor Peel & Press in Morgan Junction) sent tonight with this followup to his vehicle theft reported here last Friday:
My car was recovered in Des Moines this afternoon. It has body damage, possible engine damage and multiple items were smoked in there (I can tell from the implements left in there). They had two suspects in the vehicle but will not charge them because they claimed they borrowed the vehicle from a friend and didn’t know it was stolen. One had a warrant so they got arrested the other totally walked. Here is the weird thing, I have stolen mail and property in the car but the police wouldn’t take it. They said it was mine to deal with. I find this insane!!!
I have a stolen bike and several pairs of glasses, electronics, stolen mail from all over and gym bags. What am I going to do with these??? I refuse to toss them because, as someone who just had my car stolen, I want to help people get their things back! I have a few photos of the bags and the bike tossed in the car. … The bike was spray painted to hide its identity (spray paint was in the car as well).
Recognize anything? Comment here and/or contact us. Could have been stolen anywhere, as thieves don’t necessarily stick within jurisdictions. By the way, he says it was Kent Police who found his car and told him the stuff was his to deal with (not Des Moines PD which is served by the King County Sheriff’s Office).
Meantime, three other reader reports:
5TH CAR PROWL IN 3 MONTHS: From Laura in Seaview: “Just wanted to report that my locked minivan was prowled for the fifth time since August. We live at 46th and Juneau. This last time, both side sliding doors were left open. They took nothing, as there is nothing valuable in there, but it’s sure a violating and frustrating experience.”
AND ANOTHER CAR PROWL:Sarah in Fairmount Springs says prowler(s) hit her neighbor’s car, apparently accidentally left unlocked:
My neighbor’s car was broken into … issing along with her new Seahawks jersey. She called her husband and he mentioned seeing a dark car in the alley when he was leaving (Wednesday) morning. The car was parked alongside the fence in the alley; he stopped to get a closer look and the car peeled out and sped away. I left shortly after at 6:15 am and didn’t see anything. We live (in the 6000 block of) Fauntleroy Way SW; our entry to our apartment is in the alley. Our parking is also in the alley. I’m not sure if there were other reports of theft in the area but wanted other readers to be on the lookout and remember to lock your cars and take valuables out.
HIT-AND-RUN: From Jill: “My car was completely sideswiped while parked at Cloverdale and Delridge Way SW. Based on the paint left behind, it was a yellow vehicle with no witnesses. If a message could go out to look for a yellow vehicle with extensive side damage and likely blue paint scratches on the car, that would be greatly appreciated.”