West Seattle development: New mixed-use Admiral proposal

Checking the city land-use files to see what’s new, we find an early-stage proposal for a mixed-use building in The Admiral District, in the system as 2715 California SW but with a site-plan document showing 2719 California is also part of it. It’s described as a “four-story mixed-use project with residential apartments over ground floor commercial space and below-grade parking accessed from the alley” and listed as expected to go through the Design Review process. The site, across from Hiawatha, currently holds three small commercial/residential buildings. (Side note: This is the same block of California, between Lander and Stevens, where the PCC site is slated to be redeveloped, a few buildings to the south.)

8 Replies to "West Seattle development: New mixed-use Admiral proposal"

  • lux October 16, 2016 (11:41 pm)

    I think that’s where Freshies is.

    • WSB October 16, 2016 (11:46 pm)

      No, it’s further north. Freshy’s is a couple buildings down, and its address is 2735.

  • sc October 17, 2016 (7:33 am)

    Another 4 story :(

  • JanS October 17, 2016 (11:51 am)

    will displace a few businesses, for sure – goodbye Blue Mist …sad…but glad they will have parking (if it’s enough)

  • Bonnie October 17, 2016 (1:05 pm)

    Is this where West Side gymnastics used to be?  Where the mail place is?

    • WSB October 17, 2016 (1:07 pm)

      Just south of there. The project does *not* involve the corner building, which is where the gymnastics place was and where the mail place was (Admiral Junction) until it moved last spring.

  • sc October 17, 2016 (2:44 pm)

    In looking at old West Seattle newspapers I found out that the building on the NW corner was a car dealership.  Sorry I don’t remember what brand but it could explain the big doors on the north side of the building

  • M October 18, 2016 (5:40 pm)


    This development will be displacing people as well as a few business. 

    Wonder when my landlord plans on sharing the big news? That’s right, I live at this address. I absolutely ADORE my apartment and this neighborhood! I’ll be terribly sad to have to leave it.

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