‘They saved his life’: Family of child hurt in windstorm shares ‘positive news’

(WSB photo from October 14th)

Twelve days after a little boy was rushed to the hospital with a serious injury suffered during the October 14th windstorm, we are hearing for the first time from his family. We had a short followup last week, and then today received this:

Dear West Seattle Community,

We are a local family and the parents of the 4-year old boy who was injured by the falling tree in Fauntleroy Park on October 14. We have so appreciated the kind words and thoughts on the West Seattle Blog and from our local community that we wanted to update you all on his status. We have tried to maintain his confidentiality, but we felt compelled to share more information, especially since we now have positive news to share.

Our boy suffered serious injuries, including a fractured skull, brain injury and broken femur. He was stabilized by the Seattle Fire Department, transported by Medic One, treated at Harborview Medical Center ED and Pediatric ICU, and is now in in-patient rehabilitation at Seattle Children’s. Thanks to the fantastic care of numerous providers, and to the love and support of his family, friends and community, he has made great strides in his recovery. He is a sweet, tough, energetic little boy and we are happy to report that he is talking, eating, smiling and playing. We are hopeful that, in time, he will make a full and complete recovery.

We are enormously fortunate to live in a city with quality emergency care. SFD and Medic One were quick to arrive and professionally assess, stabilize and transport our boy. HMC was hands-down exceptional from start to finish; we now understand why it is a nationally renowned Level 1 trauma center. And Children’s is, well, Children’s – we could not ask for a better place for our boy to recover and improve. Collectively, they saved his life, his body, his brain and his spirit.

Our boy has a long way to go, though, so we appreciate the continued hopes, thoughts, prayers, meditations, words, rays of light and all other ethereal forms of support the people of West Seattle have so kindly shared. Please know that, even if you do not know his name or address, he and we receive them all.

We remain deeply grateful for the love and compassion of our wonderful community.

Thank you.

19 Replies to "'They saved his life': Family of child hurt in windstorm shares 'positive news'"

  • Keri October 26, 2016 (9:58 pm)

    Lots of love to you and your boy for a peaceful recovery. 

  • Barb October 26, 2016 (10:04 pm)

    Thank you for sharing and I am sure it was difficult to let us in your life. The best part of living in West Sesttle is that people here really do care so if you are in need of help please ask as many of us are here for you. Best of luck to your little guy as he recovers.

  • miws October 26, 2016 (10:17 pm)

    Thank you for sharing your little guy’s progress with us. 

    Sending Positive Thoughts for continued and full healing……


  • Alki Resident October 26, 2016 (10:47 pm)

    Im relieved to finally get updated. Everyone has been genuinely concerned. My heart goes out to you all. Im so sorry he has suffered so greatly but know prayers have been with you since day one. Please reach out if you need a food chain or other support.

  • CS October 26, 2016 (10:55 pm)

    Thank you for sharing. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.  And I totally agree that we’re lucky to live in West Seattle. If you need help and support, please reach out via the WSB and we’ll be here for you.

  • Iml October 27, 2016 (1:12 am)

    Great news!  We will keep him in our thoughts.

  • E October 27, 2016 (8:00 am)

    Not a day has gone by since this was reported that I haven’t been thinking of this little guy. I’m glad to get positive news. I know it must be very hard still for the family and I’m sending double prayers today. 

  • RS October 27, 2016 (8:05 am)

    Thanks for the update! Sending positive thoughts!

  • lox October 27, 2016 (8:11 am)

    I’ve thought of him daily and am so happy to hear he is improving. Continued prayers and good thoughts coming your way.

  • LStephens October 27, 2016 (8:22 am)

    Great news!  Wishing him a speedy recovery.

  • AJP October 27, 2016 (8:51 am)

    Thank you for the update. I have a three year-old daughter, and your family has been in my thoughts often these past few weeks.

  • Tori October 27, 2016 (9:13 am)

    This news brought tears to my eyes. What a tough little guy! Sending internet hugs to your family. Seattle Children’s is the best.

  • WSguy October 27, 2016 (9:55 am)

    Very happy to hear that your child is on the road to recovery. What a horrific thing for any parent to go through. Thank you for taking the time to send an update – your family has been in my thoughts often. All the best to you and your little boy.

  • Mike October 27, 2016 (10:31 am)

    Thank you for this news.  It makes this cloudy day shine!  Have been thinking about this boy regularly.  

  • wb October 27, 2016 (12:45 pm)

    Me too, so glad to read your letter.  If you and your little boy need anything (beyond all the love and prayers), please do reach out.

  • JB October 27, 2016 (4:10 pm)

    Thanks for the update. The good news is that a child’s brain is still growing and malleable, so he should recover completely from the brain injury. Godspeed.

  • ScubaFrog October 28, 2016 (12:22 pm)

    I’m so glad that young child’s recovering.  How traumatic… 

    What an awesome community we have.  WSB and West Seattleites are remarkably compassionate, empathic people for the most part.

    Sending good energy and prayers to our young patient and his family.  I wish you a very speedy recovery!

  • KV October 29, 2016 (12:46 am)

    Still praying :)

  • Celine Cimino November 2, 2016 (11:09 am)

    Praying for this little Angel’s full recovery! ;)

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