Farewell celebration planned for Schmitz Park Elementary: Anything to share in advance?

In case you haven’t already seen this in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – it’s now just three and a half weeks away, and you might have something to contribute in advance:

As Schmitz Park Elementary plans its move to Genesee Hill this fall, we thought it was important to celebrate the legacy of Schmitz Park Elementary, which has been open since 1956, having moved into its current building in 1962.

We invite those in the community – especially those that were involved at Schmitz Park as a teacher, student, or parent – to join us on Friday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m., at the school, to reminisce, walk the halls, view photos, etc.

Those who wish to be involved are invited to:

*Attend the event in June.
*Send in photos or request someone to copy their photos or memorabilia.
*Share an anecdote or memory via email.
*Consider being interviewed by a student.
*Add their email address to the mailing list for more information.
*Spread the word to neighbors and relatives that may have been at Schmitz Park.

Please contact Fiona at history@schmitzparkpta.org or visit the school’s web page for more information.

If you’re wondering about the future of the SPE site – it remains up in the air. Seattle Public Schools says there’s no plan to use it for anything next school year, for starters. We’re following up on the process for determining its longer-range future.

36 Replies to "Farewell celebration planned for Schmitz Park Elementary: Anything to share in advance?"

  • Peter May 10, 2016 (9:08 am)

    I was a Kindergarten student at Schmitz Park the year the “new” building opened.  In fact, they were still paving the back playground when the school year started.  I remember standing at the flag pole when they told us John Kennedy had been assassinated.  Still have my class pics.  Many of us still live in West Seattle.

    • Fiona @ SP May 10, 2016 (2:35 pm)

      I hope we’ll see you on June 3rd, let me know at history@schmitzparkpta.org if you would like to share any pictures!

    • Pat Nealson May 27, 2016 (12:58 pm)

       I guess none of us really do leave West Seattle!  Oddly enough I was also in the kindergarden Schmitz Park Class of ’62 and remember those same things!


      Thanks for sharing.




  • Mike May 10, 2016 (10:50 am)

    SPS is so dysfunctional that even though they know there’s a HUGE need for before/after care programs and little to no space to handle the load of kids, they’ll let SPE just rot unused.  They have to use SPE for school related functions, they can’t sell it, they can’t turn it into a condo complex.  What a bunch of idiots that run SPS.  Sucking tax dollars into the administrations top bloated salaries with no results.

    • Mightymoh May 10, 2016 (12:36 pm)

      Even if only SPE (or GHE I guess) got to take advantage of the facility for aftercare it would be an obvious fit. Also for the Seattle Schools’ Pre-K program. Genesse Hill will open at capacity, and I’m sure Lafayette and Alki are packed. They could use the space for *something* immediately in this part of the neighborhood.

  • Brenden May 10, 2016 (11:20 am)

    Schmitz Park is where I finally got the whole learning thing down. I grew up in west seattle, going to Schmitz, then Madison, then WSHS. Makes me kinda sad =(

  • ann May 10, 2016 (11:21 am)

    Awww, Is it being torn down? I have great memories from this school. Smart as a fox :)

    • WSB May 10, 2016 (11:32 am)

      No plans to tear it down. But no plans so far about how it will be utilized, either…

  • Chris R. May 10, 2016 (12:55 pm)

    Many good memories of both my kids going to Schmitz. During that time a friend and I got an Artist in Residence grant to make the tile mural that is on the brick wall facing the parking lot. It was a lot of work but a lot of fun getting all the kids involved. I hope somehow that gets preserved. After my kids moved on to Madison and high school I was a Read Naturally Tutor for a number of years. I enjoyed my time at Schmitz because of the teachers and the intimacy of a small school setting and all the great students.

    • Fiona @ SP May 10, 2016 (2:40 pm)

      Thanks for all you did for Schmitz Park, Christy!  I’m including a picture of your wonderful mural in the keepsake book I’m assembling.  I hope we’ll see you June 3rd!

  • Erithan/ Anna H. May 10, 2016 (1:19 pm)

    @Chris, I grew up going to Schmitz as well, sad it won’t be a school anymore, I was thinking about the tile wall to, hope it’s preserved, I actually made one of them! Have so many great memories, will have to share more when not on cell(to hard to type)

  • Erithan/ Anna H. May 10, 2016 (1:24 pm)

    Argh, can’t edit. I keep wondering if they do birthday books still, I hope they transfer those over either way. I’d gotten $20 for my birthday one year, and my nerdy book loving self(even back then) opted to use it all on a “birthday book” which if people recall got a candle sticker on the spine, and placed on a special shelf. The books became a perm part of the library, each has little certificates with the kids ne in them. I had picked out a lovely version of beauty and the beast=)

    • Fiona @ SP May 10, 2016 (2:33 pm)

      I would love to write that up to share!  We don’t do anything like that anymore, but what a lovely memory.  I hope you’ll consider emailing me at history@schmitzparkpta.org so I can write it down with the time frame and credit you.  Hope to see you on June 3rd!

  • NW May 10, 2016 (1:24 pm)

    Lots memories from this school for me also remember walking to school there in the early 1980s the fantastic gym teacher as well as many other great teachers and students who I went on with to Beacon Hill, Madison and WSHS. 

  • wsres May 10, 2016 (2:18 pm)

    What is the timeline for making a decision about how SPS uses that property? Doesn’t it have to go back to the Schmitz family if it is not used as a school? 

  • Andrea May 10, 2016 (2:20 pm)

    Both of my daughters attended Schmitz Park in the early 1990’s.  I was also a popcorn mom.  The PTA would sell fresh popped pop corn every Friday for 25 cents a bag as a mini fund raiser.  I remember the little kids careful unfolding their saran wrapped coins to pay for their popcorn.  Of course, there were always a few kids that forgot their quarters so we popcorn moms made sure to have a few spare quarters in our pockets for emergencies.  

    • Fiona @ SP May 10, 2016 (2:41 pm)

      We had the signs for popcorn and the bags for years, we still use the popper at events!  Thanks for reminding about that!

  • clulessinws May 10, 2016 (3:28 pm)

    I think our family would have enjoyed Schmitz if it had stayed small, or as designed, as in two classes per grade. We saw the population practically double each year. It killed the spirit, community, and environment. SPS wisdom. Shame. It’s really sad what happened to this school. I used to love it. Having so many kids you surpass the building legal capacity 4 or 5 years ago is unacceptable. Around 700 kids now with one bathroom. Over half of the outside play space taken up by portables. People ignoring parking lot and bus zone rules, day after day. Brilliant.    

  • Helga Vaarvik Atwood May 10, 2016 (5:14 pm)

    I happen to be one of those students who attended Schmitz Park School when it was portables. I remember a couple houses that were moved over to 51st and Genessee to make room for the current building. I grew up on 50th between Spokane and Charlestown st. It was a great blessing to attend Schmitz Park School and ended up pretty much living there until last month. My children attended Schmitz Park and was honored to be PTA president for many years with many other volunteer parents who helped keep this school along with staff a class A school.  Have many good memories. Hope this school will continue in some form of education

     West Seattle parents are awesome. Keep it up. 

    • Bruce May 11, 2016 (1:32 am)

      Helga, are you Ken’s sister.   I went to school with him and would like to reconnect with him.  I remember your house well.   Take care.  Bruce Hall

    • Debbie Duyff May 18, 2016 (9:58 pm)

        Dear Helga, today is the first I have Hurd of the school closing ,

        the kids are now going to go to Gennessee?  I’ll try to come June 3′

        hope you too , so sad, Deb 

  • dalene May 10, 2016 (6:08 pm)

    Remember Mr. Neutzman?

    • Scott May 10, 2016 (10:32 pm)

      Yes I do.  A very kind  man who cared about all of us who where there in 70s.

  • K.C. May 10, 2016 (7:07 pm)

    So many great memories. Mrs Glockner, Mrs Moore, Mrs Pound, Mrs Goech. Mrs McQuen (sorry if I misspelled the names). Those were my teachers K-3rd grade and my gym teacher. I can’t remember 4th through most of high school but I remember them. I remember the popcorn Friday’s too. Amazing. I’m too far away to make it to the farewell. What a bummer. Go Blue Angels. 😜

  • Kimberly May 10, 2016 (10:54 pm)

    I remember all those teachers too and still in contact with PE teacher!! I remeber ice cream social and spaghetti dinner carnival. Before school PE things! I still have my thirrd grade autograph book!!! 

    Best school ever!!! 

  • Jenifer May 10, 2016 (11:16 pm)

    This makes me sad! I attended Schmitz Park from 1977-1981, K-3. Still remember my teachers: K-Gopplerude/Clark, 1st-Mr. O,Brien, 2nd-Ms. Staley, 3rd-Ms. Pruzan. Loved my science teacher, Mr. Hunter and gym teacher, Ms. McEwan(sp?) So many fond memories!

  • Catherine May 10, 2016 (11:59 pm)

    My sister and I went to Schmitz Park in the 60’s. My mom was the photographer with her ‘brownie camera’ for the class photos until a more official photographer got involved in ’68, i believe. It was one of the first elementary schools, I think, which integrated with busing.  I remember one of the Schmitz’ family would always speak at the flag pole at the front of the school on the opening day of school.  So sad it is going away.

  • Bruce May 11, 2016 (1:33 am)

    Say it’s not so.  Many good memories there.  Bruce

  • Amelia Silverman (Glockner) May 11, 2016 (2:18 am)

    It broke my heart when my mom told me the school district had decided to close it down…I guess it’s just another casualty of breakdown the West Seattle community. I feel privileged to have attended Schmitz Park when it was a small town wholesome elementary school. The staff were a passionate and committed bunch. I know, my mom was and still is one of the best! She had the best kindergarten classroom a child could ask for…even today I have yet to see one that rivals it. I remember the flagpole and the spaghetti dinner night was always my favorite for me and my friends. I remember the pepto bismol pink staff bathroom and the pussy willow tree behind the backstop. I remember playing on the old 1960’s jungle gym we were all lucky to survive and petting zoo day in the covered playground. I remember field day and daring each other to touch the fence on the far west side of the playground. I remember my mom’s field trips down into Schmitz Park. I remember reading with Mrs. Moreo and storytime on the carpet in the library. I remember growing beans and watching the Challenger in Mrs. Goetch’s class. Watching Transformers on the TV in my mom’s classroom before school started and pigs in a blanket for breakfast from the cafeteria. I remember hanging with my dad in the boiler room when he’d come to visit with the custodian. I remember Ms. McEwan’s PE class and her passion for physical fitness and being on the double dutch team and hand-walking the entire length of the gym and back. Lining up by class out front to walk single file inside to our classrooms. Mrs. Kunihiro’s fried rice and the beautiful dancing dragon parade to celebrate Chinese New Year every year. I remember speed math in the cafeteria. I remember Debbie Skaar photographing our every move and giving our entire 3rd grade graduating class memory books. I remember hanging out on the steps chatting with friends. Mrs. Pound and her beloved Chow chow that she would being to school from time to time. Mrs. Dawn Black who co-taught with my mom and is still a dear family friend. I remember coming back in middle school and high school to help in my mom’s class and TA for some of the other wonderful teachers. I remember the first time I came back just to walk the halls and say hi to all the teachers, the halls seemed so much smaller. I remember (years later) me and Angela Skaar-Randolph pranking our moms one year for April fools by swapping out their cars with ours…you could do that kind of thing back then, plus we were good at being sneaky 😉 I remember the whole staff being in on my mom’s 50th b-day present from my dad, a beautiful little car he spent 2yrs restoring in secret for her…she had no clue. Everyone got a good chuckle from her reaction and the license plate LVE2TCH…love to teach, but will forever be known as love 2 touch. 

    Schmitz Park has a familiar charm and innocence that embodies what an elementary school should be…how childhood should be. I wish today’s parents could recognize how valuable that is for a child to experience. 

    I feel blessed to have spent my early years under the wings of some of the best teachers the Seattle school district has ever has ever had the honor of employing. To watch them teach was to witness people who truly found their calling in life. My mom’s greatest joy as a teacher was always visits with former students. She still loves learning how you all have turned out. 😉 

    We all have fond memories. 

    For those of you who have continued your lives in West Seattle, you have a fantastic opportunity to share those memories with your kids and their friends. Who knows, maybe even bring some of those fond memories to life in the new school. I personally think every elementary school should have a spaghetti dinner night. 😉

    • Fiona @ SP May 11, 2016 (10:50 am)

      Thanks, Amelia, my son was fortunate to be in Mrs. Glockner’s last first grade class, and it was a special year for us both.  Thanks also for sharing all these great memories! 

  • JH May 11, 2016 (4:55 am)

    I wonder where Mr. Hay (gym teacher) is????

    • Catherine May 11, 2016 (9:58 pm)

      Yes, I wonder too. If I’m thinking right, didn’t he drive some sort of green sports car?

  • Mrs.T May 11, 2016 (8:47 am)

    I am guessing that the district will split the boundaries again and fill it with kids. The new school built is going to open over it’s capacity, and with all the building in the neighborhood, the need will be there. Considering all the restrictions on the site, it is the only viable option. 

  • Catherine May 11, 2016 (10:03 pm)

    I will leave a list of my teachers. Kindergarten, frankly I don’t remember.

    1st: Mrs. Little   2nd: Mrs. Aoki   3rd: Mrs. Jackson   4th: Mrs. Brown and some classes with Mrs. Hastings   5th: Mrs. Knox   6th: Miss Calcutt

    I also remember a day when we all were already at school and the district at noon shut down the schools. Instead of just sending us all home, we hand a snowman building place and a snowball fight place in the area behind where the Kindergarten area was at the time.

    Isn’t it amazing how some things of your childhood stick in one’s mind?

  • Scott Gordon May 12, 2016 (4:28 pm)

    I thought Mr. Hay was the best gym teacher ever!!  Does anyone know if Barbara Calcutt is still alive?  She was my 6th grade teacher there and my favorite teacher in school.  Having a creative dramatics class  in 6th grade was so much fun – really got to see a lot of wonderful things in this school growing up.  Remembering all my teachers: Mrs. Vann (Kindergarten), Mrs. Little (1st Grade), Miss Paldi and Miss Jobe (2nd Grade), Miss Armitage (3rd Grade), Mrs. Jackson (4th Grade), Miss Sears (5th Grade) and Miss Calcutt (6th Grade).  If anyone knows the whereabouts of these teachers (if they are still with us…), it would be great to see them again!!

    A lot of memories here – sure is sad to see the school being closed…

  • Scott Gordon May 12, 2016 (4:33 pm)

    Also didn’t want to forget my principals during my years there (1965 – 1972):

    Mrs. Christenson

    Mr. Bowen

    Mr. Neutzman

    Also. Mrs. Benedetti in the office and Miss Pelton out on playground duty, Mr. Corey, our janitor…

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