(Barred owl, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for the rest of today/tonight:
NETWORKING MEETUP: Noon-1:15 pm at West Seattle’s only coworking center, WS Office Junction (WSB sponsor) – all welcome. (6040 California SW)
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES: 1 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, this afternoon’s movie is “My Lucky Star” (1938) with Sonja Henie, Joan Davis, Cesar Romero. $1-$2 suggested donation. (4217 SW Oregon)
PURIM CELEBRATIONS: Two events tonight, with details on the WSB page for Holy Week, Easter, Purim, etc. – 6:30 pm at Kol HaNeshamah (6115 SW Hinds) and 8 pm for the West Seattle Torah Learning Center, at the WS Veterans Center (3618 SW Alaska).
GROUP RUN: Try water bottles and hydration belts during tonight’s 6:15 pm group run from West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) – all welcome. (2743 California SW)
HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, join HPAC for an information-packed meeting:
RV Safe lot
Highland Park Elementary PTA – Highland Park Playground Improvement
West Duwamish Greenbelt TrailsNew Business:
Update and recommendation for 4 projects for the 2016 Neighborhood Parks & Street Fund
Date for Highland Park Neighborhood Clean Up Day – Possible dates Saturday, April 30th or Saturday, May 7th 10 am – 2 pm – Focus on 3 areasFacilitated discussion: Developing HPAC Structure
Review Monthly Meeting Time
Review Number of meetings per yearPossible Sub-Committees
Outreach and Community Engagement
Highland Park Playground Improvement
Street/Sidewalk/Alleyway Improvement
Community SurveyFacilitated discussion: Neighbor Assessment of Highland Park
Help us document neighborhood streets issues (speeding, accidents, etc.), lack of sidewalks, alleyways, and traffic issues for future grants, advocacy, and engagement.
(12th SW/SW Holden)
POEMS AND STORIES: 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), the monthly gathering for poets, storytellers, and those who enjoy their work, including a community microphone. Larry Crist and Christine Clarke are tonight’s featured readers. (5612 California SW)
LOTS MORE – please check out our complete calendar for the rest of what’s up today/tonight/beyond.
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