VIDEO: Teen leads underwater cleanup in West Seattle waters

Near West Seattle’s Seacrest Pier, the underwater zone known as Cove 2 is cleaner thanks to an effort led last weekend by 17-year-old Tanner O’Donnell, as part of his senior project for Nathan Hale High School. Our area’s best-known clean-water activist, “Diver Laura” James, worked with him and, along with her “dive buddy” Lamont Granquist, got some of the efforts on video (see for yourself above, and hear from Tanner in the clip).

If you follow Diver Laura on Twitter and/or Periscope, you know there was also an experimental live stream for a while – so watch for more of that in the future. Laura also shares these words of thanks, for “… Larry McLean for doing the honors of being our PADI Project AWARE Foundation Sponsor; Jan Shaw, the best beach-mom of all; and THE HUGEST of thanks to Tanner (and his Mom) for caring so much about our shared waters, and letting me be a part of this project… We should all care so much. As he says, ‘we’re citizens of the earth’.”

4 Replies to "VIDEO: Teen leads underwater cleanup in West Seattle waters"

  • Julianne Farmer March 23, 2016 (12:50 pm)

    That is leadership. Thank you.

  • KM March 23, 2016 (2:15 pm)

    Very cool, thanks for your work Tanner!

  • Fellow Trash Collector March 23, 2016 (2:30 pm)

    This is very inspiring to see.  I hope this can help people to realize that anywhere they may be, if they see trash, they have a choice of what to do about it right then and there. Thank you Tanner.

  • Wb March 23, 2016 (11:24 pm)

    This is just amazing. Thank you. 

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