West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday
We would usually suggest something like this be posted as a “rave” in the WSB Forum‘s Rants and Raves section, but it’s nice to end the weekend here on the main page with a story of kindness, so here’s the one we received via e-mail tonight from a reader who didn’t want to be identified. Yes, it happened just over the WS line, but close enough to qualify:
I was at the South Transfer Station this afternoon and I saw an employee who went above and beyond and deserves to be recognized. I pulled in and saw another patron hung over the side of one of the metal bins. I thought it was a bit strange, but when I climbed up the small ladder, I noticed an employee digging around in the bottom.
I continued about my business and a while later I heard the guy who was hung over the edge give a huge sigh of relief. The employee (I think I heard say his name was “Alfonso”) dug in the bottom of that stinky dumpster for the guy’s wedding ring and found it! When he climbed out, I told him I thought that what he did was awesome, and he humbly replied, “I was at the end of my shift anyways, so I said a little prayer for him and hoped for the best.”
Just back from checking out a tip (thank you!) about a major police response at 11th SW and SW Barton, where officers tell us they are investigating another case of gunfire. A bullet fired from somewhere outside a house (not the one in the photo) went through a wall, reportedly into a bedroom. No one was hit or hurt. That’s all they could tell us so far; we’ll look for the report tomorrow to see what else they find out.
Love nature? You can do more than admire it … you can help others learn about and enjoy it. From Seattle Parks:
Live the dream – become a nature guide! Do you love sharing nature with others? Are you interested in learning more about the flora and fauna of Seattle’s many public green spaces and parks? You are the perfect candidate for the Seattle Urban Nature Guide program. SUN Guides participate in 30 hours of training and commit to providing 8 programs a year at Environmental Learning Centers and parklands near schools throughout Seattle.
Seattle Urban Nature Guides provide hands-on learning opportunities for school groups, nature programs for families and adults and Discovery Stations for all throughout the city. Volunteers’ backgrounds are as varied as the students they teach – the common thread is their desire to share nature with the greater Seattle community.
The goal of the Seattle Urban Nature Guide Program is to enhance, promote, and foster appreciation of nature by connecting citizens and students with their Seattle Parklands, by providing educational opportunities for all.
Training begins March 29. Deadline for applications is March 8. For additional information, please contact Penny Rose at penny.rose@seattle.gov or 206-386–4250, or apply online.
We’re told much of the training is at West Seattle’s own Environmental Learning Center – Camp Long.
Thanks to Jim Bodoia for the underwater photo and video we’re sharing as a Sunday afternoon “extra.”
He explains, “I was lucky enough to run into a couple of Pacific Wolf Eels off Alki, not too far from our Liberty Statue … We call them ‘eels’ but they’re actually very long fish (Anarrhichthys ocellatus). I’m fairly certain that the tan one [seen in the video] is a young female. At first she just poked her head out and then she joined me for a swim. The blue one [top photo] is a bit older and didn’t want to come out and play.” Learn more about wolf eels via the Seattle Aquarium website.
Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports to share:
MAILBOX PROWLER: Carolyn says the video above is from 8:48 last night, at 8th SW and Elmgrove, with a would-be mail thief driving up, checking out the boxes, and moving on.
This morning at 6 am we were awakened by knocking on our front door. My husband answered and a woman asked if he had jumper cables. She didn’t appear to have a vehicle, so he declined. She asked again, and wanted him to follow her outside, as if trying to lure him away from our house. Later, I was reading the WSB and saw the video John posted about a grocery thief stealing right off his porch. I showed it to my husband and he identified the woman as the same one who came knocking. We are in Highland Park at 18th/Trenton. Our home was burglarized one month ago, during the day while I was picking my daughter up from preschool. Also, in the last 10 days our car has been broken into twice and our tire slashed. Now thieves are knocking on our door before dawn?
BICYCLE FOUND: From Aaron Goss of Aaron’s Bicycle Repair, the photo and report:
One of our customers sent us this picture of bike found in the Gatewood neighborhood. He found it abandoned in his yard.
It is a bike we serviced because it has our service sticker on it. But we cannot find a matching record in our database. The customer that found the bike is out of town, but if anyone is missing the bike, I will put them in touch with the finder.
FYI, We offer a service at our shop now where, for $5 we take a picture of your bike and record the serial number on our server. We have recovered several bikes because of it! About 50% of our customers take us up on it. Those that decline, just mentioning it reminds them to do it themselves. Without a matching serial number, we cannot legally hold a suspicious bike.
Seattle Police urge everyone to keep a record of the serial numbers for valuables – or, when you can, inscribe them with identifying information; if your valuables are stolen, they have to have some way to be able to match them back to you.
One more “happening today” – third day of this year’s Girl Scout Cookie sales. This might be the only “cookie booth” of this type in our area:
The photo is from Lisa, who explains:
West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court Princess Stephanie and her Girl Scout Troop 42553 will be having a Girl Scout Cookie Drive-Thru at the Les Schwab Tire Center (3801 SW Alaska) from 11 am-3 pm. You don’t even have to get out of your car! We accept all major credit cards, cash, and checks!
Looking for someplace closer? The locations closest to zip code 98106 are here; 98116, here; 98126, here; 98136, here; 98146, here. This year’s seven cookie varieties are shown here. Sales continue through March 20th (two weeks from today).
Good morning! First, traffic reminders if you’re heading east/north: The Alaskan Way Viaduct’s open, inspection done; but between the Battery Street Tunnel and just south of the Woodland Park Zoo, 99 is closed until noon for the Hot Chocolate Run. Also: The stadium zone will be busy this afternoon, with the Sounders’ match at 4 pm. Now, as to what’s up in West Seattle:
WEST SEATTLE ULTIMATE FAMILY FRISBEE: 10 am at Walt Hundley Playfield in High Point, all welcome. (6920 34th SW)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm in the street, in The Junction. Here’s the list of “what’s fresh” highlights. (California SW between Oregon and Alaska)
‘WE LOVE THE JUNCTION’: If you want to show support for the newly announced campaign to designate two historic Junction buildings as landmarks (see WSB coverage of Saturday’s announcement here), look for volunteers at the Farmers’ Market today. One the market opens, or if we get the info sooner, we’ll update with exactly where to find them. *UPDATE: They’re roaming the market.* (California SW between Oregon and Alaska)
MEET THE LGBT COMMISSIONERS: 2-3:30 pm at Southwest Library, members of the city’s LGBT Commission will be there “for the first in a series of library events providing an opportunity for you to get to know the Commission and the work that they do. The Commissioners will provide a panel presentation and then open the floor up to Q-and-A.” More in our listing. (35th SW/SW Henderson)
ZUMBATHON FOR THE Y: 2:30-4:30 pm, all welcome, no RSVP required, for a Zumbathon to raise $ for the West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) annual campaign. More here. UPDATE: This is at the Fauntleroy Y. (9140 California SW)
SEATTLE PRIDE BASKETBALL TRYOUTS: This AAU program continues tryouts for the new season – today/tonight, it’s high-school-age players, girls 4-6 pm, boys 6-8 pm. Details on the Seattle Pride website. Tryouts are at the Seattle Lutheran High School gym. (4100 SW Genesee)
‘EARLY DAYS’ FAMILY NIGHT FUNDRAISER: 5:30-8 pm at Chaco Canyon Organic Café in The Triangle, “Come have some food, fun and pampering. There will be balloon animals, face painting, games, and crafts for kids. Adults can enjoy massages and facials,” plus a silent auction until 7, supporting West Seattle’s postpartum-support group Early Days. More here, including ticket info. (3770 SW Alaska)
COLE PORTER LOVE SONG BOOK: Five musicians perform the music of one legend, 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hall – ticket info’s in our listing. (7904 35th SW)
EVEN MORE … on our complete calendar!
Just to clarify where things stand on Highway 99 this morning:
As announced Saturday evening, the Alaskan Way Viaduct inspection is over. So Highway 99 from here to the north end of downtown is open.
But as previously scheduled (and mentioned in our advance alerts), the Hot Chocolate Run has closed Highway 99 both ways until noon today from the Battery Street Tunnel northward. As WSDOT explains, “The closure starts at the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel and ends just south of the Woodland Park Zoo.” So if you’re heading north on 99, until that closure ends, you’ll have to exit at Western.