West Seattle development: 4122 36th SW microhousing; 5247 California, after 3+ years; future of California/Hinds NE corner

Three West Seattle development notes tonight:
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4122 36TH SW APPLIES FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT: The four-story, 20-unit microhousing (“small efficiency dwelling units” or SEDUs) project at 4122 36th SW, north of The Triangle, is advancing. A permit application has now been initiated for demolishing the house that’s on the site now; one was already in the works for building the project, which does not include offstreet parking, and isn’t required to because it’s in a “frequent transit” zone. We first reported the plan last July; the proposal has since gone through “streamlined design review,” which does not require a public meeting. At right in our photo is the house next door at 4126 36th SW, which has a sale “pending” according to online listings; its marketing materials described it as another potential site of 20-plus units.

5251 CALIFORNIA SW: Three and a half years after tenants (including “The Psychic Barber”) were cleared from 5247 California SW – with demolition a short time later – construction has finally commenced.


That’s the view behind the canvas-covered chain-link fence that replaced a frequently tagged/vandalized wooden fence at the scene. Records indicate it’s the same small mixed-use building described years ago, described only as three stories, commercial and residential.

FUTURE DEVELOPMENT? While there’s nothing on file yet, looks like something is brewing for the northeast corner of California/Hinds. the listing for a short-term lease at 3280 California SW, former home of West Seattle Curves, says it’s to be demolished for “new development” next year. The site is zoned NC2-40, part of the block-plus that was upzoned in 2010, and county records show it was sold last month for $770,000. Checking next door, we see the same previous owners also sold the parcel immediately north at the same time, for $1.1 million. And state records show that while the individual LLC names are different, the same owners now hold those two sites and the one north, totaling 12,000 square feet, all with the NC2-40 zoning that has enabled other redevelopment further north in the area, primarily Springline.

13 Replies to "West Seattle development: 4122 36th SW microhousing; 5247 California, after 3+ years; future of California/Hinds NE corner"

  • anonyme February 29, 2016 (6:30 am)

    Two nice houses to be destroyed and sent to a landfill in order to build cheap, crappy, ugly, nonsensical eyesores – with no parking.  The age of stupid & ugly is upon us.

  • Mikensuz February 29, 2016 (7:40 am)

    This is unbelievable! We live on the street and you are right, two beautiful homes taken down…one home has lovely carpentry work inside by the woodworker owner. But the most ridiculous outcome is, there is no parking on our street anyway because of the very popular Thai restaurant at the end of the street. 20 and potentially 40 more cars to be parked on the street (getting around Seattle besides a work commute is difficult without a car)… Unbelievable!

  • thee February 29, 2016 (9:20 am)

    The 36th Ave development is a horrible, greed-driven, short-sighted  decision. This is bad for this block, this neighborhood and this city. 

  • carole February 29, 2016 (9:40 am)

    20 SEDU’s = how many actual “sleeping rooms?”  How many more cars on the streets?

    • WSB February 29, 2016 (10:03 am)

      That’s 20 units, aka 20 sleeping rooms. Not the old city definition of one “unit” equals one kitchen equals up to 8 sleeping rooms.

  • andover February 29, 2016 (10:38 am)

    I’m particularly saddened by this development as the home that has the sale pending has been in the family for over a century.   As a fourth generation West Seattle resident,  I try to change with the times as,  having lived in places other than WS, I know it is important to welcome new neighbors and not be a NIMBY.  But, seeing this personal history go is rough!  However, I would never wish living next to a 20 unit, no parking building on anyone.

    As I accept change,  though,  I would like to see it in a different way.  Twenty micro units with no parking just seems ludicrous.  The bottom line is that  most people own cars, even if they use other means for commuting.  I say this as a one car family where my husband bikes or busses to work downtown and my daughter busses to the UW. Our car sits in the driveway most of the time,  but we still have one and it has to be parked somewhere!  Plus, with the mish mash of mass transit options that keep changing, it is hard to completely rely on non-car options.

    I feel like the city needs to give us the better organized and efficient transit before they give us the high density buildings.  I realize these micro units are geared for singles, but I highly doubt every resident would be carless.

  • John February 29, 2016 (11:28 am)

    @ Andover,

    If everyone in West Seattle lived like you, there would not be any transit or parking problems.  Just imagine if every homeowner parked their (only) vehicle in their own garage or driveway,  street parking would be available.  If more people acted responsibly like Andover’s one car, bike and bus family, we would have no need for impossibly expensive infrastructure  like  new roads or antiquated parking requirements forced on our changing demographics.

    • andover February 29, 2016 (12:05 pm)

      Thanks!   I certainly wasn’t expecting any kudos.  You brightened my day, especially  since I’m sick and stuck in bed! Credit goes to my family members who do the commuting, though.  I guess it just takes us all realizing we are a community and trying our best to live in a  way where,  while we pursue our own lives, we do our best not to negatively impact others. 

    • brian February 29, 2016 (12:57 pm)

      Not sure if you’re trolling or not but there are hundreds and hundreds of houses in West Seattle that do not have driveways or off-street parking of any sort.

  • wetone February 29, 2016 (2:08 pm)

    Does anyone from City such as Mayor Murray, OPCD Diane Sugimura or SDOT Kubly have a hard number of allowable units to be built in WS or specific areas of city ?  When was last time DPD, now known as Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD)interim director Diane Sugimura and her group completed a comprehensive study of all the “up” zoning changes they have allowed ?  We have Urban Villages built more dense that originally designed.  The  “Frequent Transit” area “up” zoning allowing huge population increases to areas with new builds and no required parking.  Most areas backing up to residential neighborhoods.  Frequent Transit area “up” zoning is interesting as area zoning can change very quickly if is near bus routes, but what happens if route is changed, leaving area no longer serviced.   Finally the latest from our city leaders is the “HALA” program with promises of making Seattle more affordable for all. Do your homework people and look into the 28 people Mayor Murray put in place for the conception of HALA. Many involved with real-estate, property development/management, people that control the housing markets today. Property developers will receive more tax breaks for lower rent units. City’s lost revenues will be made up by higher taxes to those not receiving the tax breaks, you and I.   HALA will allow bigger multi unit builds to be built in areas not allowed today. City is also pushing for changes to many of todays requirements with DADU & ADU’s, such as removing parking requirements, allowing more sqft.  and increasing number of units. Pushing a lot of density into neighborhoods.  Should be fun to watch the old infrastructure to handle all this.




  • rob February 29, 2016 (3:15 pm)

     Everyone is missing one point here along with this project comes alot of work for our tradesman you no the people that make a living swing a hammer. i dare anyone to go tell these workers to stop. Stop making a living that pays the bills for my children. 

  • Karin February 29, 2016 (9:56 pm)

    I heard rumor that the Alki Tavern and homes slated for development on Harbor Ave are coming down this Wednesday……does anyone know if that’s true?

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