TRAFFIC ALERT: Fauntleroy/35th entrance to eastbound West Seattle Bridge reopens after crash

12:21 PM: The closure is because of a crash on the bridge parallel with Admiral Way. It’s only affecting the Fauntleroy entrance – you can get on the eastbound bridge from the Admiral/Avalon/Spokane and Delridge ramps. Thanks to Jonathan for the texted tip! (And this photo:)

12:28 PM: Per scanner, police are hoping to have one eastbound lane open soon, so everybody stuck behind this shouldn’t be stuck too much longer. But some cleanup/repairs will be needed too – apparently the crash knocked out part of the barrier.

12:41 PM: The lane has reopened, so the bridge entrance has too, but it might be slow going for a while.

1 Reply to "TRAFFIC ALERT: Fauntleroy/35th entrance to eastbound West Seattle Bridge reopens after crash"

  • Eric1 October 29, 2015 (3:06 pm)

    Wow, it isn’t even snowing or icy yet. That curve is nasty if you aren’t familiar with the neighborhood during the winter.

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