Next step for North Delridge Action Plan: Your priorities – but it’s not just about ‘north’ Delridge

A draft “North Delridge Action Plan” has been taking shape with feedback including discussion at gatherings such as the one above at Delridge Community Center back in June and at the Delridge Day festival last month. But does it align with YOUR priorities for the area? Come talk about it at DCC, 6-8 pm Tuesday, September 29th (one week from tomorrow) – child care and snacks provided. Important note – it’s not just about “North” Delridge, the announcement points out:

The North Delridge Action Plan team is collaborating with two other City projects, and will help direct their ongoing work. The Delridge Way SW Multimodal Corridor Study seeks to transform Delridge Way SW (from SW Roxbury St. to the West Seattle Bridge) into a safer and healthier public space with more predictable movements of people and goods. SPU is developing a Natural Drainage Systems (NDS) Partnership Program. This program will achieve the water quality goals identified in the Plan to Protect Seattle’s Waterways by working with sister agencies and community partners to deliver high-value neighborhood improvements.

Delridge Community Center, site of the Sept. 29th meeting, is at 4501 Delridge Way SW.

1 Reply to "Next step for North Delridge Action Plan: Your priorities - but it's not just about 'north' Delridge"

  • AmandaKH September 21, 2015 (8:04 pm)

    To be fair, this North Delridge Action Plan IS in fact about North Delridge. The Multimodal Corridor is studying how traffic moves along Delridge. DPD has repeatedly told us that they are not looking at updating the Westwood/Highland Park Urban Village plan at this time. But over here in the neighborhood, we are looking at the future anyway. At our next WWRHAH meeting, we have invited Deb Barker to give us an abridged version of her Land Use 101, so we can start attending Design Review meetings and ask pertinent questions.
    Tuesday, October 6th
    6:15pm – 7:45pm
    SW Library

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