Continuing our photo coverage of Saturday’s West Seattle Grand Parade:

The Seafair participants in the parade always include the Scholarship Program for Women contenders, and this year they include Lorelei McFadden (above), last year’s West Seattle Hi-Yu Senior Court Queen. She’s in the running to become the 66th Miss Seafair; the winner will be announced Tuesday night. This year’s Hi-Yu royalty, of course, rode in the parade on their “Around the Sound” float:

Before the parade, local and visiting royalty enjoyed breakfast at Brookdale Admiral Heights, which was invaded for the occasion by the Seafair Pirates, who snagged a photo-op outside with the reigning Miss Seattle, Taryn Smith, a 2015 graduate of West Seattle High School:

And away from the buffet table at breakfast, we found out what a pirate really does before getting down to a day of plundering, pillaging, and parading:

(Thanks to Anne Weglin at Brookdale for the pirates-and-princesses tip.) More parade photos to come – here’s what we’ve published so far:
*2015 parade report #3: Rotary Kiddie Parade
*2015 parade report #2: The winners
*2015 parade report #1: First look