11:23 AM: Just checked in on the WestSide Baby “Stuff the Bus“ diaper-drive kickoff – our Instagram photo above looks inside the bus that’s in the parking lot at HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor). As of just after 11 am, it held 12,697 diapers – a good start, but just a drop in the diaper bucket, so anything and everything you can contribute will be a big help. If you can’t make it to HomeStreet (41st/Alaska), your nearest Safeway is collecting diapers today too. Updates to come!
12:51 PM: A little more than an hour left in today’s kickoff event – stop by the bus and commemorate your donation with a cute photo like this one:

This year’s theme (and hashtag) is #Smile4Diapers.
2:26 PM UPDATE: As of the top of the hour – 28,800 diapers and many more to be counted from the satellite dropoff locations.

We’ll be adding photos and more info on what you can do as the drive continues. (added) Here are the victorious smiles of today’s crew at The Bus:

Help them get closer to the half-million-diaper goal this week … donate money via text or Web, as explained here, or drop off diapers at ongoing locations.