West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday
Second night in a row, everything’s coming up Blue …
Chris Frankovich shares tonight’s moonrise, still the “Blue Moon” … (Added) Mike Jensen‘s view includes a state ferry (at Vigor) in the foreground:
Here’s why it’s called a “blue moon.”
And from this afternoon’s Seafair airshow practice, Karin shares a Blue Angels flyby:
She was at work on Mercer Island when she took the photo.
Saturday’s Blue Angels (etc.) schedule:
*I-90 bridge closed 11:50-2:40 pm
*Blue Angels go up in the 1:30-ish vicinity (could be earlier, could be later) – watch for support C-130 “Fat Albert“ first; we noticed it making a few passes over West Seattle in the 1:25 pm vicinity today
*Other Seafair airshow acts might be visible from here, especially if you’re looking toward Boeing Field from eastern West Seattle (or watching from along the Boeing Field runway) – here’s the schedule/list
A West Seattle Crime Watch reader report from “North Admiral Resident“:
I came from vacation to find my home had been broken into. They stole all my jewelry and my ex-husband’s old wallet, otherwise nothing else seemed to be disturbed.
Just a note, ladies – make sure you increase the amount for your jewelry or itemize and take out separate policies with your homeowners insurance.
Vintage pieces from my grandmother, filigree white gold and diamond rings, a yellow gold and amethyst necklace and a scarab bracelet, were among the things stolen. While not the most expensive pieces, they are the ones that tear at my heart.
This happened sometime between July 20-28th. If anyone has any clues, please comment.
The Seattle Police online crime-report map shows nine burglaries reported in West Seattle in the past week – including three each in the greater Admiral and Fauntleroy areas:
Announced at day’s end by SDOT:
Seattle Department of Transportation crews will intermittently close lanes to restore pavement in two areas of West Seattle next week if the weather is favorable. Drivers should plan for congestion and consider alternate routes.
Crews will close one lane at a time on Alki Avenue Southwest between Southwest Arkansas and Southwest Hampshire streets, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, from Tuesday, Aug. 4 until Thursday, Aug. 6.
Crews will also close one lane at a time on Beach Drive Southwest between Southwest Spokane Street and 61st Avenue Southwest, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, from Thursday, Aug. 6 until Friday, Aug. 7. Bus stops in this area will be temporarily relocated outside of the project site.
Traffic flaggers will direct street traffic at both locations. Pedestrians will not be affected by these closures.
These projects are part of the 2015 Arterial Major Maintenance program, which aims to maintain busy streets with strategic small-scale pavement repairs.
ABOUT THOSE ‘CROSS-STREETS’: If the Alki cross-streets don’t sound familiar – you’re not alone. As reported here following a similar notice last year (with much help from commenters), in the Alki area, SDOT uses names of cross-streets that were platted but never built. So unless the telltale “No Parking” signs are up already (we’ll check), our best guess is the 1200-1500 block vicinity (you’ll see Arkansas and Hampshire on this very old map).
“Think big”! That’s the invitation for artists who are interested in creating something to enhance Junction Plaza Park in the heart of the West Seattle Junction. From the Junction Association, which is heading this up with partners:
Request for Artists
(Photo by Laurel Mercury)
Project: Public Art Installation
Where: Junction Plaza Park (NW Corner of SW Alaska St & 42 Ave SW)
Deadline for submission: August 17, 2015The West Seattle Junction Association, Junction Neighborhood Organization (J u N O), and Seattle Parks Department are seeking an artist for an exciting opportunity in Junction Plaza Park. While Junction Plaza Park’s dedication was in 2010, funding for this major art installation has only recently come to fruition.
Junction Plaza Park in located in the West Seattle Junction business district which is also the heart of the neighborhood both literally and figuratively. This pocket park acts as a respite for neighbors, is a welcome burst of green amongst much development, a gathering place for events and programming, and is highly visible from the busy vehicle and transit corridor. We are seeking a significant art installation that will have a positive impact for not only park users, but also enhance the broader area.
Art Location and Intent
It is imperative that all applicants visit the park and evaluate the site. The location of the art will be in the area of the large blank wall at the central north side of the park (see right). The intent is to have a very large, prominent, and impactful piece that has a large presence in the park and beyond. Please think big! The installation with be anchored in the ground.Compensation
The total, all inclusive budget for the art is $25,000. This includes all material costs, tax, and any other expenses.How to Apply
Please submit a response with qualifications by August 17, 2015 including:
· A selection of your past work that you feel is most applicable to this project. Include 5- 10 examples.
· Written letter of intent which includes what direction you’d like to take this project and general size of proposed piece. Consider including a sketch to illustrate how you’d use the space.
· Email: Susan@wsjunction.org – not to exceed 5MB and preferable in one PDF, or
· Mail: WSJA, Attn Junction Plaza Park, 4210 SW Oregon St., Seattle, WA 98116Timeline
· Submissions due: August 17, 2015
· Finalist selected: Sept 15, 2015
· Art installation: Nov 2015 – Jan 2016Questions
Please contact Susan Melrose, Executive Director, 206-935-0904, susan@wsjunction.org
(WSB photo: Rasmussen at podium, Mayor Murray and SDOT director Scott Kubly at right)
3:08 PM: Recommendations for improving traffic management along the West Seattle Bridge Corridor will be out in September. So said Councilmember Tom Rasmussen this afternoon during a briefing we covered downtown. Main topic of the briefing was a consultant’s new report critiquing Seattle traffic-incident management in general, following the disastrous Highway 99 fish-truck crash. We’ll have full details on the recommendations once back at HQ; for a preview, see what we tweeted during the briefing, which was followed up by a tour of the city Traffic Management Center on the 37th floor of the Municipal Tower downtown.
5:13 PM: A little more backstory – it was January when Rasmussen announced the West Seattle Bridge Corridor Task Force would be launched. That in turn was about four months after the West Seattle Transportation Coalition announced a list of priorities including a bigger-picture plan for dealing with bridge-related issues, and one month after Rasmussen assistant Evan Clifthorne told the WSTC about pursuit of a corridor designation for the WS Bridge.
Ready for one more run/walk providing a good time while you do good? The Alki Beach 5K is just a little over three weeks away, on Sunday, August 23rd. As always, proceeds benefit Northwest Hope and Healing, which helps breast-cancer patients. It’s a beautiful morning run/walk along Alki – no matter what the weather – so you might as well http://alkibeachrun.com“>sign up now.
One more look at the “blue moon” as it set around dawn – thanks to Chris Frankovich. It brings a low-low tide which starts our highlight list for your Friday:
LOW-LOW TIDE, WITH EXPERT GUIDES: 11:25 am is today’s low-low tide, -2.5 feet; volunteer beach naturalists are out now, until 1:15 pm, at Constellation and Lincoln Parks.
BLUE ANGELS TODAY: Practice show over Lake Washington (though some flybys will certainly be visible from West Seattle), with Boeing Field takeoff sometime between 1-1:30 pm. I-90 bridge closes 11:50 am-2:40 pm.
‘ELVIS’ AT THE SENIOR CENTER: Check ASAP to see if tickets are left for Bret Wiggins as Elvis, plus a fried chicken dinner, at the Senior Center of West Seattle. Fundraiser starts with free photos with “Elvis,” 5:30 pm, dinner at 6. (Oregon/California)
FAMILY CONNECT FRIENDSHIP FIRE: West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) invites the community to Alki Beach, 6:30 pm-8 pm, they’ll provide the s’mores supplies and fire, you come mingle with neighbors and have fun – details here. (Alki/59th)
SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: Greenstage presents “Much Ado About Nothing,” 7 pm, free, at Camp Long. (5200 35th SW)
NOT DEAD YET: 9 pm, last time you’ll get to see local faves Not Dead Yet at the closing-next-weekend Feedback Lounge. (6451 California SW)
LOTS MORE – but you don’t have to take our word for it – see for yourself!
(WSB file photo)
Been enjoying this summer’s outdoor music? One more concert series is about to start: Providence Mount St. Vincent (aka “The Mount”) has announced the lineup for its four annual Friday-night shows, starting one week from tonight:
Aug. 7th: The 85th Street Big Band
Featuring swing favorites from the 30s, 40s & 50sAug. 14th: Overton Berry Jazz Duo
Legendary Seattle jazz pianistAug. 21st: The Illusion of Elvis by Danny Vernon
The King is back by popular demand!Aug. 28th: STRUM (Seattle’s Totally Relaxed Ukulele Musicians)
Wear your Hawaiian shirt and join us for a fun evening with ukulele musicians who play a variety of great music.
Shows are free, 6-7:30 pm, with free popcorn and snow cones; bring your own chair/blanket. If you’re interested in buying dinner, it’s available 5:30-7:30 pm, with a different featured entree every week or a hamburger/hot-dog option, all with sides and dessert – see this year’s menu here; wine and beer are available for purchase, too. The Mount is at 4831 35th SW (map) and the concerts are on the south side of the campus.
8:11 AM: Thanks to the texter who just pointed this out: Seattle City Light‘s outage map shows 121 homes/businesses without power right now in the Seacrest Park vicinity and along Harbor Avenue for a stretch eastward. They’re hoping to have it back by 10:30 am or so, but as always, that’s just a guesstimate. We’re headed that way to check on effects.
8:39 AM: While the outage map shows Seacrest, we checked at Marination – no problem there. Still checking elsewhere. No cause listed yet; we’ve seen at least one City Light crew in the area:
9:01 AM: Moondrop Coffee and Tea across from Seacrest has a note on its door saying it’s closed because of the outage. The City Light map now says “bird/animal” as the cause (and commenter Wes C. Addle backs that up), with an 11:45 am guesstimate for restoration, and a slight downgrade of affected customers to 116.
11:48 AM: The City Light map shows this outage is over.
(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:22 AM: As we head into the heart of the commute, a crash on the bridge by 1st Avenue South is blocking one lane eastbound and backing up traffic. Coincidentally, this afternoon, city leaders are planning a media briefing about strategies for clearing road problems. Today also will bring another I-90 bridge closure for the Blue Angels’ practice show:
I-90 CLOSURE: The bridge will close 11:50 am-2:40 pm. Details here.
7:34 AM: SDOT says the bridge crash has cleared and all lanes are now open.
10 AM: If you’re headed for the South Park Bridge, note that a hazmat response in the area is complicating traffic on the SP side:
The @SeattleFire response is blocking the NB right lane of 14th Ave S before S Cloverdale St. Use caution. pic.twitter.com/69K1asDZlC
— seattledot (@seattledot) July 31, 2015