HAPPENING NOW: Relay for Life at West Seattle Stadium

West Seattle Relay for Life opens with the survivors' lap. All-night fundraising event. #westseattle

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7:15 PM: Applauding friends and family lined the track at West Seattle Stadium as purple-shirted cancer survivors walked a special lap to open this year’s Relay for Life less than an hour ago. It’s an all-night fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, with more than 20 teams participating this year; they’ll each keep someone on the track until closing ceremonies tomorrow morning. You’re welcome to visit and cheer them on until tonight’s luminaria ceremony (10 pm) is over, and again as they wrap up tomorrow morning. More photos once we’re back at HQ. P.S. Here’s where to donate online.

8:14 PM: Just added our photos from the early going. Above, a sign of support for a young cancer patient, shown to us by longtime Relay volunteers Gerry and Lauri Cunningham (you might know them as the mother-and-daughter team who raise money through grab-and-go dinner events each year). Also there tonight, Key Club members from local high schools, working on their tent:

Most teams have tents/canopies in the infield for the duration of R4L. And many have signage, sometimes whimsical, related to the team name:

The gophers were courtesy of Team Go For It. Meantime, back on the track, supporters were invited to walk with the survivors after their first lap:

While the luminaria ceremony at 10 – in honor of those who are gone, as well as those in the fight now – is open to the public, the stadium gates close from 11:30 pm until early morning, but you can see on the schedule (bottom of this page) the activities that Relay for Life participants have planned all night long.

1:03 AM: Thanks to stadium-area resident Ann for sharing the photo from the luminaria ceremony, including HOPE spelled out in lights in the stadium stands:

1 Reply to "HAPPENING NOW: Relay for Life at West Seattle Stadium"

  • G June 19, 2015 (7:48 pm)

    Keep up the good work. I’m optimistic about the future of medical research, not only in regards to cancer, but new therapeutic interventions for other chronic conditions that are here, or on the horizon.

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