Start of the season for student-raised salmon at Fauntleroy Creek

(WSB photos)
Pathfinder K-8 is the first West Seattle school to visit Fauntleroy Creek this season to release student-raised salmon. We were there as volunteer creek stewards hosted them this morning, first with a gathering at the park entrance, then on to the creek:

In the next photo, that’s Dennis Hinton, leading the event along with Pete Draughon.

Creek steward Judy Pickens was there too – she’s put together this year’s schedule of releases with 15+ schools (most, but not all, from West Seattle) visiting over the next four weeks:

Here by the way is what the fish that survive will look like when they head out in a year or so as smolt (like this one):

We of course were not alone in photographing the event – this young lady had a GoPro:

This season marks 25 years since the first salmon release on Fauntleroy Creek, Judy says. She estimates that they’ve hosted at least 10,000 students for salmon releases in that quarter-century. Last season, more than 2,500 coho fry were set free in the creek; volunteers then watch in the fall for returning spawners – 19 came back last year.

4 Replies to "Start of the season for student-raised salmon at Fauntleroy Creek"

  • Nick April 30, 2015 (9:16 pm)

    Love this program hopefully it can be spread to other small streams in west Seattle and maybe one day they might become self sustaining. Congrats to all of the students and other volunteers.

  • phil dirt May 1, 2015 (7:13 am)

    What about the creek through Schmitz Park? Is that a perenial stream? Are salmon still being released in Longfellow Creek?

  • Judy Pickens May 1, 2015 (7:28 am)

    Fauntleroy Creek is the only stream in West Seattle open to salmon releases. NOAA has been engaged for several years in a long-term research project in Longfellow and no other streams flow year-round.

  • phil dirt May 4, 2015 (6:26 am)

    In over 60 years, I don’t remember ever seeing the little creek in Schmitz Park go dry. Not that I’m suggesting salmon should be released in that little stream. It’s too small and shallow, I’d say. But, just for the sake of curiosity, is that little creek in Schmitz Park considered a perennial stream or just run off from the gulches?

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