West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
If you thought you heard gunfire overnight in Admiral – there’s finally confirmation. When this came up in another thread earlier today, we checked the police-call log on Twitter (as shown on the WSB Crime Watch page) and couldn’t find any confirmed gunfire (if shell casings and/or damage is found, the official designation will usually follow). Then tonight we heard from a resident in the 3000 block of 45th SW (map), where neighbors had just found bullet holes in two cars:
They think they heard at least three shots and are hoping neighbors in the area might have surveillance video to help solve the case. If you have any information, the case number provided by the resident is 15-124892. There may be more than one case in the area, as we’re also seeing a property damage case in the same block, 15-125827.
(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
8:33 PM: So many beautiful sunsets – but seldom one quite like tonight, with the sun seemingly suspended high in the sky, intensifying pink against a backdrop of gray, as it slowly slid toward the Olympics.
9:22 PM: Thanks for sharing photos! Laura‘s view from over Beach Drive included the reflection of the sun’s color from high in the sky:
From Don Brubeck, what it looked like a bit further down:
ADDED 10:12 PM: From Neal Chism, another view of the sun at its most-intense color:
8 PM: Seattle Fire is just arriving at an apartment building in the 4500 block of 35th SW, near Alaska, to check out a possible fire. They’re reporting light smoke from one side of the building.
8:16 PM: The response was scaled back after determination that it seemed to be an electrical problem, and the last unit we saw at the site is wrapping up.
(Photo courtesy Paul)
New parking signs are up at Don Armeni Boat Ramp – not new rules, but new signs (though a related rule change is under consideration). Thanks to a tip, we were already working on a story about the new signs before police explained them at last night’s Alki Community Council meeting. The signs, and other ACC toplines, including the SPD plan for Alki this summer, and Homestead/Fir Lodge updates from the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, ahead …
Both stolen in West Seattle within the past few days:
STOLEN CAR #1: 1996 dark green Acura, plate AGC7998, taken last night in Highland Park.
STOLEN CAR #2: 1998 teal Honda Civic, plate 201-VGJ, taken Wednesday morning or afternoon. This car’s owner tells us police told her of a rash of stolen Civics and Camrys this month.
If you see either car, please call 911.
(WSB photo, March 31)
Less than three weeks after their signing appearance at Easy Street Records in The Junction (WSB coverage here) … The Sonics will be back tomorrow night for a performance during Record Store Day. Just announced:
THE SONICS (& Guests) Live At Easy Street On Record Store Day 2015!
We’re thrilled to welcome Northwest Rock Legends The Sonics to Easy Street for a very special Record Store Day live performance at 10 pm! Our heroes will be joined by an amazing array of special guests personally invited by the band throughout the night – and believe us when we say you will NOT be disappointed!! The Sonics performance is a ticketed event with proceeds going to KEXP’s New Home Campaign. A limited number of tickets, priced at $100, are on sale RIGHT NOW at Easy Street. Another small allotment of tickets will be on sale from KEXP.org starting at 3 pm today. Check their home page for link at that time.
Limit of two tickets per person, CASH ONLY.
PLEASE NOTE: EASY STREET WILL NOT BE SELLING TICKETS TO THIS EVENT ON RECORD STORE DAY. Remaining tickets still available on Record Store Day must be purchased through KEXP.org. Ticket buyers will also receive this super-sweet event lithograph by Independence Printage, as well as a retro-style ticket for the event!
That’s not the only thing Easy Street has in store for Record Store Day … it’s opening at 7 am, staying open well into the night, and featuring guest DJs including Chris Ballew – read the updates on the ESR website.
(Renderings by PB Architects)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The planned Clearview Eye Clinic at 7520 35th SW won approval from the Southwest Design Review Board last night, after major design changes in response to previous critiques.
“They listened, hard,” observed fill-in board member Jill Kurfirst, who also had filled in during an earlier meeting on this project, “and hit it out of the park.”
The board still had suggestions, of course. Here’s what they saw, and how the meeting went:
4 options for tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, starting with theater:
(Photo by Barbara M. Fuentes)
‘PICASSO AT THE LAPIN AGILE’: Twelfth Night Productions opens its new production, “Picasso at the Lapin Agile” by Steve Martin, an “Off-Broadway absurdist comedy (that) places Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso in a Parisian cafe in 1904.” Curtain time is 7:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Tickets are available online. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
Also tonight:
FREE MOVIE NIGHT AT HPIC: Doors open 6 pm, children’s short at 6:15 pm, main feature at 7. More info plus movie hints here. (12th/Holden)
PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP AT SEATTLE CHINESE GARDEN: Two sessions, first one 7 pm tonight – see our listing for details and how to check if there’s still room! Seattle Chinese Garden is on the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus. (6000 16th SW)
ALBUM RELEASE SHOW: Michele D’Amour and The Love Dealers, 9 pm, Feedback Lounge, “high energy, danceable blues with a touch of funk and R&B,” marking the release of their new album “Ante Up.” (6451 California SW)
Just posted on SPD Blotter:
Two masked men forced their way inside a Seattle marijuana shop owner’s West Seattle home early Friday and tied him up at gunpoint, before making off with tens of thousands of dollars in cash, a half-dozen pistols and a high-powered rifle.
The 47-year-old owner was walking up to his home in the 8600 block of 35th Avenue SW around 12:30 AM when two masked men approached him. The suspects grabbed a puppy the victim was carrying, and forced the man inside his home at gunpoint.
The suspects forced the victim to open two safes inside the home and then tied him to a bed while they took a large amount of cash, six different handguns, a rifle, four watches, and the victim’s surveillance system.
About an hour after the incident began, the victim got free and began searching for his puppy. When he found the dog, he called police.
The victim wasn’t able to provide much of a description of the suspects: he told officers both men appeared to be in their 30s, one was white, the other Hispanic.
Robbery detectives are investigating the case, and asking anyone with information to contact police at (206) 684-5535.
An update on the Morgan Junction Park expansion topped a busy-as-ever agenda for the quarterly Morgan Community Association meeting on Wednesday night:
(WSB file photo)
The city has owned the commercial site north of the park since last year and, according to MoCA president Deb Barker, hopes to have the current tenants, a mini-mart and cleaner, out by the end of May. A week or so of “remediation” (cleanup) work will follow. Development money was part of the plan for the Park District ballot measure, but design/development is still a ways off. One new possibility: Designating SW Eddy, which goes through the site, as a “festival street.”
Speaking of streets …
Saturday, May 9th, is the 11th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coordinated by WSB, and we have updates:
LESS THAN A WEEK TO REGISTER: The registration deadline is next Thursday, April 23rd, so if you’ve been procrastinating, it’s time to decide if you’re having a sale. More than 170 of all sizes, all over the peninsula, are signed up so far! Register your WSCGSD sale here.
MULTI-SELLER SITES: The Hotwire Online Coffeehouse/Ginomai courtyard/lot space (4410 California SW) is booked up, we’re told, though you can get on a list in case of dropouts (contact Hotwire directly). The other site for those who need just a little room is C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW) – check in to see how they’re doing. (Our standard disclaimer, Hotwire and C & P are both WSB sponsors.)
THE MAP: If you’re new to WSCGSD as either a seller or shopper, reminder that the map of sales will be available one week in advance (watch for the announcement here and at westseattlegaragesale.com on May 2nd) – we produce it in two formats, the clickable online version here on WSB and on westseattlegaragesale.com – click on a marker and a bubble will open with its address and sale “ad” as sent in @ registration, and the printable PDF version including the numbered list of sale addresses/”ads.” The map’s free, and you’re encouraged to share it with friends, family, co-workers from all over the region to be sure they know that this is the day to come shop WS (checking out our restaurants and stores while they’re here, too).
So again – six days to register, 15 days to map day, 22 days to sale day!
(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! No trouble spots so far in or from West Seattle. Of note: It’s the last weekday of spring break for Seattle Public Schools and the independent schools that follow its calendar, so traffic volumes will invariably rise on Monday.
WEEKEND NOTES: Biggest traffic alert for the weekend – westbound I-90 lanes have more work this weekend just east of the city, so vehicles will be diverted into the express lanes. Also on the lookahead, SODO notes – the Mariners are at home this weekend, evening games tonight and Saturday, afternoon game Sunday (which is Salute to Armed Forces Day, and that could mean flyovers).
4:37 PM: A crash on the southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct this past half-hour has cleared, but some residual backups are reported.