TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Monday updates; this week’s road work

March 9, 2015 6:57 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! As we get going with this morning’s commute watch, several road-work alerts and other transportation-related notes for the week ahead:

53RD AVENUE PUMP STATION: Seattle Public Utilities announced a week of work on the waterfront pump station, affecting the sidewalk and road at 53rd/Alki – here’s the notice.

47TH/ADMIRAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL: The city has announced that work could start as soon as this week – here’s the notice.

15TH/ROXBURY CABLE INSTALLATION: The mobile sign for this work was changed by week’s end, saying it’s been extended through Wednesday (instead of ending by last Friday).


If you spot major West Seattle road work that’s *not* on our list, please let us know so we can include it. Also of note this week:

HIGHWAY 99 NORTH OF DOWNTOWN: Northbound 99 from the Battery Street Tunnel to Valley Street, the highway will be closed overnight tonight. Then starting Wednesday morning, several weeks of lane closures in both directions will begin, north of the tunnel. It’s all related to the ongoing Highway 99 project; an overall update is expected at this morning’s City Council meeting, just after 10 am, and WSDOT plans to brief reporters at the tunnel-machine repair pit early this afternoon.

HACK THE COMMUTE: If you’re tech-expert or tech-inclined and want to be part of the upcoming local Hack The Commute hackathon on March 20th, sign up fast.

8:29 AM: A little trouble on northbound 5, per WSDOT via Twitter:

P.S. Just to make sure you saw it – the lane closures on 99, mentioned above, are now ON HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTICE. But the overnight closure tonight is still on.

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