Seen off West Seattle: USS Ranger under tow to scrapyard

(Added 4 pm: Texted photo – thanks!)
Like the Constellation last year, the mothballed aircraft carrier USS Ranger is now under tow from Bremerton to a Texas scrapyard. shows it off south Bainbridge with tugboats including the 155-foot oceangoing tug Lindsey Foss; it should be visible from north West Seattle. Here are details from the Kitsap Sun, which reports the USS Independence will be next to make the same, final journey.

ADDED: Thanks to Gary Jones for the photo added above this line.

12 Replies to "Seen off West Seattle: USS Ranger under tow to scrapyard"

  • skeptic March 5, 2015 (5:39 pm)

    A storied career for a ship that server for nearly 50 years:

    Go Navy!

  • John on Vashon March 5, 2015 (9:09 pm)

    Fascinating story. 6 months to its burial site. Nice gig for the crew though!

  • A Navy Brat March 5, 2015 (11:25 pm)

    Farewell to the Ranger. My Dad flew A-3’s during the Vietnam War off that slanted deck. As much as I hated that war, I was proud of my Dad and his skills. And I was so glad that he came home from all of his cruises, because not all of them did. Thank you all for your service. Go Navy!!!

  • Dennis McEwen March 6, 2015 (4:54 am)

    I served onboard from 67 to 69. Great memories.

  • GRGardner March 6, 2015 (7:40 am)

    It would be nice to read the article in the Kitsap Sun, but it is one of those papers who only allow subscribers to read their online version…

    • WSB March 6, 2015 (7:48 am)

      Sorry, it came up for me and I’m not a subscriber, so I linked it. We are no fan of paywalls ourselves – TR

  • Jenni March 6, 2015 (8:30 am)

    The link you posted says you have to be a subscriber to read it :-(

  • Clayjustsayin March 6, 2015 (8:40 am)

    Kind of lame compared to someone with real experience, I had a Revelle model of the Ranger. That was 55 years ago. It had little scale F7 Cutlass aircraft on it, and Skyhawks I think they were. Seeing the Ranger being towed out to sea yesterday brought back those childhood memories.

  • Jim Turpin, Marysville ,Wa March 6, 2015 (7:04 pm)

    I served on the Ranger on it first west pac cruise.
    I was a parachute rigger with VAH 6

  • Tony S March 6, 2015 (10:24 pm)

    Holy cow, Clay, I built the EXACT same model when I was kids in the mid-70s!

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