(Live traffic cam from the heart of The Junction)
Here’s the list for the rest of today/tonight (remember that you can always preview what’s scheduled hours, days, weeks ahead via our Event Calendar):
ORIGINS GRAND OPENING: Special events throughout the day at new West Seattle location of Origins Cannabis (4822 California SW; WSB sponsor), including DJ set, food truck, meet-and-greet with growers, more.
INTRO TO QI GONG: 10 am every Tuesday at Viva Arts (4421 Fauntleroy Way SW) – info in our calendar listing.
POSTCARDS4DEMOCRACY: Long-distance advocacy via handwritten postcards to be sent to voters in other states – drop in 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), all welcome.
CHESS CLUB: Tuesdays 1:30-3 pm, at the Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon). All levels welcome. (Questions? Email conwell@conwelld.net.)
CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Regular weekly full City Council meeting, 2 pm in council chambers at City Hall downtown. The agenda document explains how to comment, either remotely or in person. Watch live via Seattle Channel.
DANCE CLASSES FOR KIDS: Fall sessions continue at Seattle Parks facilities – 3 pm today, first Creative Ballet session for 4- to 6-year-olds at High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW)
DEMONSTRATION FOR BLACK LIVES: Long-running weekly sign-waving demonstration on the corners at 16th/Holden. 5-6 pm. Signs available if you don’t bring your own.
DROP-IN WINE TASTING: 5-7 pm Tuesdays at Walter’s Wine Shop (4811 California SW) – $10 fee, $5 off with bottle purchases.
PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: We’ve heard of two venues committed to sound-up viewing, if you want to watch with others – The Good Society at California/Lander, co-sponsored by nearby West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor), and Whisky West, 6451 California SW. Others? Please comment below, or email us at westseattleblog@gmail.com so we can add to the list.
Added: Also, Mission Cantina at 2325 California SW.
SCRABBLE NIGHT: 6-10 pm tonight, play Scrabble at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW).
FREE TRACK RUN: Seasons change, weekly run continues – all runners welcome! Meet up at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for this free weekly run at 6:15 pm.”
MAKE POTTERY: 6:30-9 pm “girls’ night” at pottery studio The Clay Cauldron (5214 Delridge Way SW), sign up in advance to work on your project(s).
BINGO AT THE SKYLARK: Play – free! – Tuesday nights bring Belle of the Balls Bingo hosted by Cookie Couture, 7 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
TRIVIA X 4: Four trivia options Tuesday nights – The Beer Junction (4711 California SW) has Sporcle Pub Quiz with David at 7 and 8 pm … 7 pm at Ounces (3803 Delridge Way SW), free and hosted by Beat the Geek Trivia; 7 pm at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle (6459 California SW), hosted by Geeks Who Drink; 7:10 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
LISTENING PARTY: Early chance to hear Miranda Lambert‘s new album, 7 pm at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), with giveaways – free, all ages.
Planning an event? Tell your West Seattle neighbors via our event calendar – just email the info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!