(Sunday photo by David Hutchinson)
Welcome to a new week! From the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and our regular calendar, here’s some of what’s up in the hours ahead:
CITY COUNCIL ALASKAN WAY VIADUCT BRIEFING: 9:30 am, the council is scheduled to have a two-part briefing on matters related to the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project and its tunnel troubles – 9:30 am, the latest on the “settling”; 9:50 am, the state of city plans for how to handle mobility if The Viaduct has to be shut down. This is the regular “briefing” meeting, so there’s no public-comment period, but it’ll be live on Seattle Channel (cable and online).
AFTERNOON BOOK GROUP: 2 pm at Southwest Branch Library, this month’s afternoon book group is reading Mary Shelley‘s “Frankenstein.” All welcome. (35th/Henderson)
CITY COUNCIL TALKS WHITE CENTER ANNEXATION: As first reported here on December 5th, the Seattle City Council is taking the first step toward calling for White Center and vicinity residents to vote on whether they want to be annexed (see the resolution here) – with the caveat that the city needs more help from the state in order to take this area on, so though they’re initiating the process, they might not follow it all the way through. This meeting does include a public-comment period at the start; it’ll also be on Seattle Channel (online and cable).
DANCE OPEN HOUSE: 3-7 pm at Kenyon Hall, meet dance teacher Vanessa Villalobos and find out about her classes. Free open house, followed by a dance party (admission charge – details in our calendar listing) at 7 pm. (7904 35th SW)
TAP TAKEOVER PARTY AT MARINATION MA KAI: 5-8 pm, kickoff party as Marination ma kai (WSB sponsor) starts a week with Stoup Brewing taking over all its taps. Meet the brewers; check out the special menu items; details in our calendar listing. (1660 Harbor SW)
‘DOWNWIND’ BOOK LAUNCH/FUNDRAISER: As previewed here on Sunday, local author Sarah Alisabeth Fox will be at Skylark tonight for a launch party and fundraiser as she gets the word out about her book “Downwind,” the result of a decade of research. More in our calendar listing. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
CHRISTMAS SHIP AT SALTY’S: 9:15-9:35 pm at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), it’s the final West Seattle visit of the Christmas Ship, this time with the Holy Names Academy Choir on board. (1936 Harbor SW)
MORE … for today/tonight, on our calendar!